Update the Default Browser
Several of our library's databases don't play nice with IE anymore, so when searching for an article while in ILLiad, we have to cut and paste the link into another browser before we can continue the search. This would (hopefully) be eliminated if IE were not the default browser.

Anonymous commented
Yes. Please give an update. Will Google Chrome or Fire Fox be available to use instead of IE?
Jen Salvo commented
Atlas Systems Folks - can we get an update on this? IE as a browser is causing problems rendering websites correctly and basically making this functionality unusable.
Tessa Brawley-Barker commented
IE will no longer be supported at my institution within a few months as we are transitioning to Edge. IT actually prefers that we use Firefox. It would be fantastic if addons would simply open using the device's default browser instead of IE. Like Ben said below, I wouldn't mind if this means opening addons outside of the ILLiad frame as long as we aren't using IE anymore.
Anonymous commented
At my University, IE is not allowed since the security protocols do not meet their standards. IE is no longer supported since Microsoft transitioned to Edge, or so my IT people tell me. Another browser option would be great and it would get me off the naughty list with my IT people
Ben Hockenberry commented
Piggybacking on Kel's comment -- perhaps, infrastructure to open a URL on demand in an /external browser/, in a new window/tab using the computer/device's default browser rather than inside the ILLiad frame, could do this simply and effectively without requiring as much development time?
This sort of functionality could feasibly introduce the more basic ILLiad addons -- the ones that just result in a page opening -- to Tipasa's environment. I could see a "Toolkit" box on the side of a request view, in which a list of enabled custom links was provided. It would basically just need access to request data to insert into something like an OpenURL resolver's custom link/service syntax.
Kel Karpinski commented
This would be so great! Especially because I have add-ons in Firefox for Open Access articles and it would make finding articles for our students and faculty that much easier!
Also agree with some of the previous comments that IE does not work well with OpenURL add ons
Melissa Jackson commented
I would very, very much like to use Firefox instead of IE when I need to open a weblink in ILLiad or OCLC's stats page/policies directory. I'd delete IE off my computer altogether if I didn't need it for Banner updates.
Ben Hockenberry commented
@Dustin Stokes - Yes, IE presents regular problems when using an OpenURL addon or a catalog addon. We recently discovered that ScienceDirect, one of our larger full text platforms, no longer works correctly with Internet Explorer, though Edge does. Chrome or Firefox would be preferable (or perhaps coding for users' browser defaults), but in any case the out-of-support Internet Explorer should be deprecated.
Amy Chew commented
Even links in the policy directory open in IE, which Primo and other OPACs don't really work on. So we have to copy and paste links to others' catalogs.
Gail Williams commented
Dustin, yes, exactly.
Anonymous commented
We have the same issue here with IE being the ONLY browser used with Addons. I would love to be able to use Chrome.
Hi Gail,
Are you referring to issues with IE using one of the catalog addons?