Automatically block patron accounts when the expiration date is reached
All patron accounts are given expiration dates but the account remains active beyond this date until something occurs and the account is investigated and then manually blocked.
It would be great to have the system automatically block users when the expiration date is reached. This would help prevent graduated students and people no longer with our library from requesting materials through our services.
As a part of the Automatic User Expiration feature, 4 new Customization Keys were added to the Customization Manager in v9.1 under System | User Expiration including AutoExpireUsers which determines if the System should automatically expire users. If set to yes, the system will set the cleared value of expired users to the value specified by the ‘AutoExpireUsersClearedValue’ key.
Anonymous commented
This is a step in the right direction. I would like to see something that flags accounts about to expire so that staff can respond (extend expiration date) as might be needed without blocking the user. Most student and employee accounts need remain active for several years. Therefore, I also want an option that will allow me to extend expiration dates past one year based on user statuses or some other criteria. When an account is about to expire, will user and staff be alerted before the expiration date? Some form of alert will aid in extending expiration dates when appropriate.
Andrew Morgan commented
You can change the default expiration dates for accounts in the Customization Manager with the UserExpiration keys.
Something you could possibly do right now is make a routing rule to bounce requests from users past their expiration date to a queue to bring them to your attention.
Anonymous commented
My only problem with this is that our accounts currently "expire" one year after registration. Our patrons usually stay with us much longer than that. If we could have something that would flag a patron to be checked for current affiliation after 5 years, that would be helpful. I still wouldn't want the accounts to all be automatically blocked, however. I think we'd have a lot of unhappy faculty members!