Ability to suspend patron from loans while still allowing requests for article copies.
We have users who cannot be trusted with book loans, but I still want them to be able to request articles. I'd like a way to block loans but not articles.

Marcelino Velez commented
This is really useful, thank you.
Jen Salvo commented
This would also have been super helpful to have during COVID when we weren't borrowing/lending physical materials but we were still doing article borrowing/lending. I can also imagine libraries using this when they may be undergoing renovations or might have limited/no access to the building, such as during long weather interruptions, floods, fires, etc.
Karen Janke commented
This would be good for alumni users who may be living out of town. We would request articles for them but not loans.
Jen Salvo commented
I would like to be able to use this option when patrons return books with bedbugs. I don't want them to use ILL for loans until they fix the problem! Currently, we make all of their requests route to a "Quarantine" custom queue. We process the articles but we hold the loan requests until their residence has been treated.
Krista Higham commented
We have several programs partnered with other institutions, we would like to allow those students to request articles/book chapters, but not books (returnables). These are mostly distance students who would never come to campus to pick up a book and mailing books isn't something we want to offer at this time.
K. Zdepski commented
We've been trying to figure out workarounds for how to do this but haven't been able to come up with anything satisfactory. This would also be a very helpful setting for patrons at a distance who ONLY want article/copies, and don't want to accidentally order books!