Remove Patron Name Field in OCLC request
When you submit a request through OCLC there is a field in Borrowing Information for the patron name. We have been deleting the patron name from this field for some time because we've found that it is sent to the lending library. If the library has a newer version of ILLiad, the patron name isn't sent, but if the lending library is on another system, it is. Removing this field would be an easy fix for patron privacy.

Anonymous commented
Thank you! I didn't know that.
Hi! The patron name showing on the OCLC workform is a configurable option and you can remove the patron name from the OCLC workform for all future requests by editing the Customization Manager WorkFormMapping table as described here I will leave this request active though so we can see about removing the Patron Name from the workform display as well in a future release.
Anonymous commented
Yes. Lenders have no need to know the patron name and would probably be just as happy to not have to take steps to protect someone else's patrons privacy.