Flag or add a notification of some sort sort to identify stale requests.
It would be nice to be able to see requests that are sitting around in queues when they should have moved on or some action might need to be taken by staff. An example would be items that have been sitting in Request Sent for too long with patrons not getting their materials in a timely fashion.

Renna Redd commented
@ Andrew Morgan, we would totally use that addon! I tried to create a routing rule based on date sent to do this and it was just a mess.
Andrew Morgan commented
I've actually made a sever addon that does this for Borrowing requests lingering in Request Sent for too long (determined by a setting). It also gives a rough ETA for loans once the lender has shipped depending on their expected shipping type, which can then be displayed on the patron webpages. I can look into making a generic version of this, since I don't think it relies on anything specific to us here at ERE.