Allow us to adjust the number of times a journal is requested before it appears on our copyright list.
If CONTU is not law, and our institution decides that 10 requests is the definition of replacing a subscription, we should be able to change a setting in ILLiad so that we can easily follow our own guideline, rather than ignoring the list and reconciling all titles at the end of the year.

Jade Erickson commented
Update: I found the setting in CustMan, but it looks like I'm using the default ILLiad query and not a copyright file. Would you mind sending me your file so I have the full query?
Jade Erickson commented
Shane, where can I find that file? We are hosted by OCLC.
Shane commented
You can adjust this in the copyright.txt file.
Change the following line:
HAVING COUNT (PhotoJournalTitle) > 4This displays if it's larger than 4, change this to > 9 to set for 10 example.
K. Zdepski commented
In the short term, if you use IDS Logic to save copyright automatically, they can set whatever number criteria you like!