Warn or prevent staff from marking requests found after they have aged out to next lender in OCLC
OCLC Lending requests remain in processing queues even when they have aged out and moved to the next lender (or are returned to the borrowing library unfilled, if the library is the last/only in the lending string). Staff are unable to filter by or see the OCLC status in grid views, so individual requests must be opened to see if a request is no longer in a CONSIDERING status and has aged (or even been deleted by or cancelled by the borrower). Requests may age out for various reasons while sites are continuing to retrieve/process requested items and it is easy to miss the OCLC status while moving through repetitive tasks and accidentally mark the item as Shipped, even though the request is no longer active for the lending library. This creates a great many problems, including lost money for both institutions (postage and/or replacement fees) and has often created a situation where the next lender marks the item as shipped, but the previous lender has already mailed the item (after accidentally marking an aged request as shipped) and then the borrowing library accidentally checks in the first lender's item as if it had been provided by the second lender. Then the second item mysteriously appears, accompanied by correct documentation, and the first copy is with a patron. Now the borrowing library must pay for postage to mail back two items and it wastes lots of staff time tracking down copies. Please create an immediate error if staff clicks a button that would update the item's status to Shipped -ie Mark Found, Mark Found Scan Now...(or better yet, automatically move these requests to an equivalent of Borrowing's "Unfilled" queue, so staff don't even have to waste time accidentally getting to a place where they could click Mark Found!) The Connection Manager error is easy to miss and, often, too late. -written up by Kerry, as per customer request, which was placed by SUNY Shared Library Services, on behalf of multiple SUNY ILL professionals. (#16610)
umb-jm commented
Please consider developing this!
Dev Singer commented
This functionality also needs to check whether the library is still supposed to be the Rapid lender, since the problem is also happening there.
terry.palacios commented
Agree with above - Our institution had about 50 "mis-shipped" in just one month . At even @$5 shipping cost per item each way, that is a lot of wasted money!