Make sure all accounts that log in with past Expiration Dates must go through the Expired Users page and update their information
Users with old expired stub accounts are not prompted to update their information when logging into their ILLiad accounts again. The account status goes from Cleared=NEW to Cleared=NO, and ExpirationDate isn't checked/updated because the account was technically already created.
We need ILLiad to check whether an account is expired or overwriting an existing expiration date. Having a patron from 2012 able to submit requests without updating their contact information or preferences is a real problem for us -- patrons can and do change their email addresses, and we allow patrons to choose to have loans delivered to their home if they are off campus. After logging in to submit a request, most patrons won't log in again until they get a notification -- and if the email on their account isn't current, they might never get a notification.