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  1. Allow Item table to be sorted by Tags in the web

    The primary interest is in having 'Tags' as an option in the 'sort by' drop down on Ares.

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  2. Browser bookmarklet for adding web content to reserve lists.

    I have seen this functionality being used with other resource list creation software. Could something similar be developed to work with Ares?

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  3. Allow adding/removing an instructor for a course using ICourseEdit.html

    Now that a course can have multiple instructors, it should be possible to make changes to instructors using the web interface.

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  4. Allow permalinks to course pages

    Currently, you can make permalinks to individual items but not the actual course pages. It would be helpful if you could link to the course pages as well.

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  5. Enable 'Course Not Configured' message to be editable

    Reference Atlas Systems ticket 36722

    Currently, a message displays to users when reserves is not configured for a particular course (using Canvas integration, and possibly other LMS integrations). The message reads "This course has not yet been configured for Ares access. Please contact your instructor or system administrator about configuring this course for use with Ares." We would like this message to be editable/customizable. Per the ticket referenced above, this is not possible with the current Ares configuration.

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    0 comments  ·  Web Interface  ·  Admin →
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  6. 1 vote

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  7. SAML configuration in Ares

    Implement SAML in Ares like ILLiad 9.2 SAML features.

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  8. Allow public search of books that are available at loans desk/reserve room

    It would be nice if Ares created a public list of books available in a reserve room (or at the loans desk) that students could search or consult without having to log into Ares. Here's an example (click on the "Browse" button):

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  9. Allow editing displayed Instructor for a course via webpages icourseedit.html

    We need a way to allow instructors/proxies to edit the displayed instructor name themselves. Right now it can only be done via the client in the Instructor Name Override field.

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  10. Allow students to batch print of digitally uploaded files (like PDFs) from the web interface

    McMaster would be interested in a feature that allows students to select multiple items in the web and print copies of the associated files. An example case: a student wants to have physical copies of multiple PDFs to recreate the familiar experience of having a physical course pack, which the institution will begin phasing out, in favor of Ares and an LMS. The student desires the familiar ability to take notes on printed copies. An example case: instructors have previously included workbook-like documents in course packs that are meant for user annotation. Providing an easier way for students to batch…

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  11. Allow removal of ID column in web tables without disabling custom sorting.

    The custom sort option appears to work but will not actually save if the ItemID field is removed from tables. Custom sorting should be retained while still allowing the removal of the ItemID column.

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  12. Make permanent URLs for web links stay consistent after a link breaks.

    Currently, if the underlying web link breaks, the permanent link will also break as the link is embeded in the permanent link. This causes extra work for staff, as they have to correct the link in Ares, and also ensure that the permanent link is changed in course shells and/or sylabi. If the permanent urls were tied to something other than the url (like the item number), it would be of significant value to our online courses.

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  13. Add a status bar for instructor uploads

    When instructors upload PDFs for their classes, there is no indication on the web page that their material is being uploaded. The screen just stays as it is until the upload is complete. Instructors with a slow internet connection must wait several minutes with no certainty that the system is responding to their input.

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  14. Disable Import Items Button After Clicking or Adjust Placement of Message

    Several times a semester, faculty will duplicate (sometimes 3 or more times) items which they are importing from a prior semester. Depending on the length of their list, you may not see the "Please wait as items are imported into Library Reserves" message once you click the Import Items button; if they don't see the message, they click the button multiple times, resulting in duplication of imported items. One solution would be to grey out the import items button as it was submitted; another option would be to make the placement of the please wait message dynamic, so it appeared…

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  15. Give access to students to view status of requested materials

    We wish there was a feature for students to see what's requested for their courses. They can see the status on the web and not just what's available.

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  16. Allow changes to HTML for LoanPeriod on request forms.

    The LoanPeriod field in request forms is automatically set to display Choose an Option. There is no way to indicate a default loan period selection in the dropdown list or change the "Choose an Option" verbiage. Hobart and William Smith Colleges would like to be able to designate a preferred loan period as the automatic selection in the dropdown, instead of Choose an Option.

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  17. Prevent the Switch to Student Mode and Switch to Instructor links from appearing when not applicable

    Instructors and proxies should not see the Switch to Student Mode link on pages that students are eligible to view (eg IRF, Shared Lists, Course Usage, Course Edit, etc).

    When a user is set as a general instructor, but not a course instructor for a particular course (ie only a student), the user should not see the option for Switch to Instructor Mode within that course. The link does not do anything and is confusing.

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  18. Instructors viewing their own Course Items

    Upon login, instructional faculty could be able to see what materials they have used in previous courses and have the ability to pick and choose which materials they wish to use for which course, and possibly search and clone from other instructors

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  19. Allow custom web tables to highlight specific request statuses

    UMBC has a custom queue called "Awaiting Instructor Response" and would find it helpful for the items included in the default tables to to be customizable OR to be able to create new tables and define which fields and statuses are displayed. Being able to group this status into the Awaiting Supply By table or giving it a separate table that could be displayed on ihome.html would help remind the instructors that they had outstanding communication.

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  20. Review web interface for compliance with WCAG 2.

    Within the last year our institution (Towson University) reviewed the Ares web interface for accessibility prior to procurement. We did customizations independently and with Atlas Systems to improve the accessibility of the web interface, and suggest accessibility be part of the product plan. A report of our findings are available by request -

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