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  1. Add NVTGC value to the Main Form of the Electronic Delivery Utility

    If multiple EDUs are open on a PC and each is logged into a different NVTGC it becomes confusing later to remember which is which because nothing on the Form shows a NVTGC/Site value. Emory uses up to 4 on one PC so it is hard to know which nvtgc to use on the client logon if you have to investigate why a request/file fails to send

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  2. Electronic Delivery Utility change to get requests to Process from DB rather than Folder

    The EDU currently populates the list of request to process from the folder specified in ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPath which for customers sharing a scanned files folder across NVTGCs can lead to files pulled in to the wrong EDU and the process fails because that NVTGC might not have access to the address or transaction record. Querying the In Stacks Searching or In DD Stacks Searching status and using that list to determine which files to pull from the folder will allow one ElectronicDeliveryUtilityImagesPath folder to be used across multiple EDUs running for one Shared Server group.

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  3. Create a new status for 'PDF Viewed' to work in conjunction with the current TransactionStatus 'Delivered to Web'

    We are trying to improve communication with patrons regarding electronic delivery of articles, especially when they have many items displayed in the Electronically Received Articles section of the web interface. We want users to know at a glance - which articles are available AND whether they have already been viewed. Including the date to be deleted (e.g. via the 'Expires' tag) would also be helpful, but my immediate request is to make information from the History table ('PDF Viewed') available for display. An example of what I am requesting can be seen in the Checked Out Items section. The display…

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  4. Include ISIL as supported symbol type in Odyssey protocol.

    Odyssey currently supports the symbol types of OCLC, DOC (Docline), ISO and RAPID. At ReShare, we would love it if the schema were updated to include ISIL symbols so that we could transfer files for non-returnables. Please support ISIL (ISO15511:2009) as a library symbol taxonomy for Odyssey. (

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  5. Button to route to Partial/Incorrect queue in Odyssey window

    It would be great to have a button to route requests to the Received Partial/Incorrect queue, in the Electronic Delivery window that appears as part of Awaiting Odyssey Processing. Currently, one must delete the Odyssey file then manually route the request to that queue when the situation applies

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  6. Improve Error handling in Electronic Delivery Utility (EDU) to keep cascading errors from occurring.

    When the EDU loses connection to a network location where files are stored due to a timeout or issue, the EDU continues to try and process causing a loop of error messages that cause the EDU to crash. See ticket# 38285 on 3/14 screenshots for error. Please enhance to report the loss of the connection and stop the EDU from continuing. Matt did not think we could re-establish the connection so I don't know if restarting the EDU is an option but Matt added

    "we could maybe better handle the errors when it can't make open files and stop trying…

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  7. Change the default "Save as type" for Electronic Delivery from TIFF to PDF

    Good to have a copy of files which wasn't sent via Odyssey and are sitting in ED. It will save processing time to save files form Electronic delivery.

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  8. Allow editing in the Electronic Delivery window regardless of file type

    For years I wondered why we could edit/crop some documents from the elec del window before delivering it to our patrons, and other documents we could not. An Atlas article explains that if the file is sent in PDF format, one cannot edit it in the viewer. Please enable the editing function regardless of file type as this is desired often - repeatedly on a daily basis.

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  9. Match on TN in the Electronic Delivery Process form

    Relais FTP process does not allow the inclusion of the ILL Number from Docline requests (I assume OCLC requests either) so the received xml file only has the DocumentID for Sender and Receiver. The Electronic Delivery Process does not match the file to the request on the TN even though it displays in the form. Please enhance to match the received Odyssey file to the request by the TN if the ILL number is not included in the xml file.

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  10. 7 votes

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  11. Adding a notification about no ILL number matches

    Adding a notification to when a No ILL Number Match comes in to ILLIAD to be received. Currently there is no notification about unmatched items. So I have to set reminders a couple of times a day to go in and check the electronic delivery screen to make sure I am not missing anything.

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  12. Support multiple files for Illiad transactions

    We have some files that get quite large when delivering PDFs. We would like to parse these out - call them chapters or parts. unfortunately, Illiad has the restriction of a single file per TN. We would like the option of being able to upload multiple files per TN, so that when batch loading, all files with the same TN would be attached to the transaction (think TN018765a,TN018765b,TN018765c all being attached to transaction TN018765)

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  13. Electronic Delivery Utility

    Enhance EDU to allow multiple copies (using Automode) to process files from the same scanned file folder for different nvtgc sites. Currently the EDU reads through all scanned files in a folder and when more than one EDU is running it can lock the file causing errors for the other EDUs trying to process that file.

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  14. Allow deletion of unmatched electronic delivery

    Sometimes items with a status of Delivered to Web will reroute back into electronic delivery. The item is then stuck in the "No ILL Lender Match" box and can't be be deleted or permanently rerouted back to Delivered to Web. Each time this happens OCLC support has to manually delete the transaction. ILL staff should have the ability to delete. Or, the bug that reroutes transactions back into electronic delivery needs to be patched.

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  15. Stop the Electronic Delivery Utility from trying to deliver hidden files/files that haven't fully saved yet

    We recently set up an external software to add OCR to our files; the workflow is to save the files to an input folder, and for the software to process the files and move them to the OdysseyTemp File folder for Electronic Delivery Utility to update ILLiad and deliver. This should work really well -- except Electronic Delivery Utility frequently tries to deliver the files before they have fully saved. It fails, and then will not try to process the files again unless you close and re-open the program.

    We've also seen Electronic Delivery Utility fail to deliver larger files,…

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  16. Add Information to the coversheet

    It would be nice to have the patron's name, transaction number, part of the citation, and fee added to the cover sheet. This would useful for the people who are not part of the university to keep track of the fees.
    I usually add the fee in the note section, but creating a separate field and allowing the user to have a PDF of the request with the fee on it would also be helpful.

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  17. Add a Mark Found/Scan Now button to borrowing requests

    This button is in Lending and DocDel. Often we find items online or they are delivered via Email from the lender. It would be so much quicker and easier to open the request and hit a Mark Found Scan Now button to import the document instead of going out of the request and opening the Electronic Delivery/Borrowing Scanning. It would save a number of clicks and steps and time.

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  18. Enable automatic Odyssey coversheets for borrowing

    There is currently a function that allows a custom coversheet to be inserted automatically before Odyssey sending for Borrowing & Document Delivery, but not for Lending. It would be great from the lending library’s standpoint since we’d be more compliant in terms of copyright & licenses if we could include the Title 17 notice there, and any usage restrictions. It would also be great for the borrowing library’s standpoint since Odyssey is a more direct delivery method than Article Exchange

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  19. Disable trusted sender at the TN or patron level in borrowing

    I'd like the ability to disable trusted sender (thereby having to download and send an article to the patron manually) for specific transactions or specific patrons, not just specific lenders. Disabling trusted sender at the TN level would help for cases where the patron has specifically requested a color/high resolution/accessible copy. I prefer to review these files before having them reach the patron so they don't feel like their request was ignored if the message was missed by the lender.

    I think being able to disable trusted sender at the patron level would help smooth relationships with patrons who are…

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  20. Find a way to remove duplicate odyssey articles

    Sometimes folks have lots of extra articles cluttering up the Odyssey Received folder. Would be nice to have some way of identifying duplicates and removing after a user specified time.

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