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  1. Support LTI Names and Role Provisioning Services to bring full class lists

    Once Ares uses the LTI Names and Role Provisioning Services and asks the LMS for the entire class list on first contact complete enrollment records will be available with only the LTI integration and remove the dependency on loading records.,in%20the%20tool%20via%20APIs.

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  2. Have a mechanism for handling LMS course merges, particularly when combined with course and user loads

    This issue seems to affect every site that uses an LMS, but it becomes particularly problematic when users are also allowed direct access to the Ares web and when course and user loads are being used. This example was written out for Kent State to explain the problem they're facing when courses are merged in Canvas.


    John is an instructor and is teaching Course 101. This course has two sections, A and B. Jack and Jill are students. Jack is enrolled in section A. Jill is enrolled in section B. This information is provided to Canvas through a data…

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  3. Option to remove active "semesters" (like permanent reserves) from the Choose a Semester option from the LTI course creation page.

    All active and upcoming semesters are available for instructors to choose, including internal "semesters" like permanent reserves. In other cases we might need to create a semester that's pretty far out into the future, but we don't want to give instructors the choice to use it until a later date. It would be beneficial to be able to choose which semesters display as options when instructors are creating their courses via LTI.

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  4. Ability to add additional information during LTI LMS course creation

    Particularly course department - when creating course and selecting semester dropdown, also offer other dropdown options. Please give us use cases!

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  5. Custom Paramaters for LTI integration to allow links to individual reserves items

    At UMass Amherst we have an LTI integration between Moodle and Ares. Our support group gets frequent requests from faculty is to be able to link directly from Moodle to particular items in their Ares courses. It would be considerably more user-friendly to display a link in the LMS in the context of a week’s assignments rather than to have a single link to Ares (so that instructors then have to direct students to go find a particular resource in the eReserves items list for the course).

    According the the Moodle tool tips on the LTI setup page, it should…

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  6. Ares as an LTI Consumer

    The ability for Ares to send information via LTI to another system rather than just being a target. For example, the Avalon media repository system handles streaming media for reserves and it also used LTI. Faculty request items via Ares though. So, when a course is created in Ares, that information could be written into Avalon via LTI. Then sites could use the permalink from Avalon within Canvas.

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  7. Workaround security issues with edge browser in hosted LMS environment

    The MS Edge browser has become particularly stringent in enforcing security matters. In particular, when using Canvas (hosted) with an in-domain Ares server through LTI Edge will sometimes refuse to display the Ares interface. This has been confirmed while working with Angela. The workaround to move the Ares server is somewhat undesirable, as is reminding users to use a different browser.

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  8. Allow LTI to create course in Ares if a student clicks on it first

    LTI will create the course if an instructor clicks on the link but if a student clicks on the link it says "course not available - contact your instructor"

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  9. Allow for multiple LMS/CMS field-mappings with different params

    Many sites have multiple CMS/LMS integrated with Ares. Sometimes they require different params to match to important Ares fields. For example, one site uses Moodle, Schoology and Blackboard. Moodle is unable to add a custom param that pulls from the database. They're using the userid param for the username, but both Blackboard and Schoology's userid values do not match up to the Moodle user_id. They're faced with either a complicated username conversion or just allowing users to end up with multiple accounts, one for each LMS. (Luckily they won't have much overlap, but it will probably happen to…

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