If importing items from another course, prevent instructors from accidentally adding to the old course.
When importing from the old course, that list of items that displays shows the old course info which has an option to add items to the old course. Instructors get confused and add it to the wrong course.
Kim Ammons commented
Last night right near the end of the business day, I noticed that a professor had added (via cloning) a bunch of new requests for a 2020/SP version of their course. I figured I'd clone things over to the correct 2022 semester the next morning. This morning, I noticed that all of those items were gone because Ares automatically moved all of the items to the "Item Removed From Reserves" queue because the 2020/SP semester has already ended. I've had something similar happen before where a professor will go back and edit an old request, attached to an old semester version of a course, by changing the Needed By date and possibly adding a new note to the request as well. When this happens, if I don't catch it before 5am the next morning, it gets removed from reserves automatically, again, because it's tied to a semester that has already ended.
I'm hoping that Atlas will make it so that professors can't do this (either accidentally or on purpose). If they accidentally create a new request under a semester that's passed, I'm hoping they'd get an error code instead. Relatedly, I don't think professors should be able to edit requests if they're attached to a term that's ended.
Janell Bekauri commented
This also is an issue when instructors need to review a course before deciding to clone it and it's causing problems for HWS.
Julia Clement commented
We consistently have this problem every semester despite making a point to tell instructors to start off on their "empty" course page and import from their previous course. It would be good if when in a previous course, the option to add reserve items is removed.
Anne Marie Lyons commented
Another suggestion is to remove the 'course home' link entirely from 'items to import' table on IRFMenu.html. The only option should be the 'import items' link.
Anne Marie Lyons commented
The same is true with futures courses. One of the Ares libraries occasionally runs into a situation where a course for a future semester gets unexpectedly imported into Ares, but the Item Addition Date is not current yet. The same data feed is going into the CMS, so the instructor can click through and access the course in Ares. It allows the instructor to get so far as filling out the entire item form, but when the instructor clicks on the Submit button, Ares tells the instructor to "Please select a course." This is a status message that is coming from the DLL, so it cannot be customized to give the instructor additional info, such as a message to contact reserves.
Danielle Dennie commented
Also, when simply viewing an old course (i.e. clicking on a course from ipreviouscourses.html), there is also a link in the left hand side, on the homepage of an old course, to add items to it. This can be confusing.