Web users can't click on the row but it looks like they can.
Ideally, if they click on the row and not the link at the left most column, it should default to "View Item"

Thank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. This request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release. For more details, please see the Release Notes: https://prometheus.atlas-sys.com/display/ares/Ares+4.7+Release+Notes#Ares4.7ReleaseNotes-AresClient and contact Atlas to schedule your update.
Anonymous commented
We are consistently getting student feedback that they can't open items, because they expect to be able to click on the title. Very big usability issue for us.
Angela Mott commented
Hi Jenny, yes I believe your IT person was working on some fancy javascript to make it go.
Jenny Gelman commented
This feature already exists, doesn't it? Unless our IT folks did some special customization. We don't have a "view item" link. All you have to do is click on the title (or anywhere in the row) and the PDF opens (or link, or whatever it is).
John Coogan commented
I think that the title should be a hot link to view the actual item. That's what users expect. We just upgraded to 4.6 this morning, and when I first viewed the course page, I kept clicking on the title expecting to get the reading. I thought something was wrong, and it took me a while to realize that there was a View Item link over on the left that I needed to click. I think this is going to throw students and faculty off.