Allow instructors to place OpenURL requests without a course
At the Access Services Conference in 2017, several sites mentioned they would like Instructors to be able to place OpenURL requests without first having to have a course to attach them to. Maybe having a dummy course (similar to how there is a ValidationUser as a dummy instructor) for these items to live under until a course can later be created. It would be appropriate in this case for the Instructor to be attached somehow to the item so that the item could later be attached to a course under that instructor.

Anne Marie Lyons commented
This would also be helpful for professors and reserves staff to handle permanent reserves. For example, a law professor may have a couple of reference books on reserve, which could all be added to a shared list. Some of his classes might use one or two of the reference books, while his other classes use all of the books. Currently, you can only apply a shared list in its entirety, instead of being able to pick and choose which shared list items go to which class.
Allen Jones commented
allow patrons to choose individual items from shared lists (ala cloning) rather than cloning the list. +1 - tell users "people who chose this reading also included these other readings" and allow them to clone the items into their courses.