Add a 'Do not ask again' checkbox to the Aeon client update dialog
Some sites are required to have all client updates performed by IT staff, which must be scheduled in most cases. It would be nice to have an option to disable to update prompt in such cases so that staff are no longer prompted.

Darren Collins commented
It would be even better if the checkbox would also be overridden by a registry value in HKLM that could be set by system admins so that in fully managed environments the user would never be prompted by the update message.
This is fairly standard in many applications for enterprise support. -
Peter Schwankl commented
Yes, please.
Ideally this is a setting that can be applied via a flag with the installer, so when deploying via SCCM to ~200 machines, I can run something to the effect of
'AeonInstaller.msi /qn /norestart NO_UPDATE=1'If not that, please at least something easy to flip like a registry key set to 1/0 or true/false, rather than a line in a config file that then has to either be copied in (thus potentially trampling any current configuration) or carefully targeted via script to surgically edit the file.
Being set by the server it's connecting to would also suffice, obviously.
Matthew Adair commented
Another nice option would be the ability to turn off the prompting with the Configuration Manager. Even telling staff not to apply the update themselves, some do and end up messing up their configuration.