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  1. Renew Button doesn't immediately reflect new status in the next page

    When you click the Renewal button on the ILLiadMainMenu.html page, it takes you to the page that shows all the information about the transaction but even though the status line tells the patron they have placed a renewal, the TransactionStatus still shows Checked Out to Customer, and the Renew button still seems to be active. If you refresh the page, then those update, but it's confusing to the patron.

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  2. Conditionally display due date on All Requests web page

    On the All Requests page in ILLiad patron web interface, make the display in the “Request Finished” (or similar) status appear without the due date, while the others retain them.

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  3. Ability to reorder web Alerts so they appear in a different order on the web page

    Ability to choose the order in which the alerts appear on the web pages. This includes the #SYSTEMALERTS, #USERALERTS,#STATUSALERTS alerts.

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  4. Collapse the Electronically Received, Checked Out Items, and Outstanding Requests menus and all their items on the main patron web page

    Ability to collapse the listings under a link for each of under the categories of Electronically Received, Checked Out Items, and Outstanding Requests on the main page rather than listing all possible requests under each category. This would match the style for "Cancelled" and "Completed Requests" and also take up less room on the main page if the patron has a lot of requests in one or both categories. Otherwise, the patron needs to scroll through all three (3) category listings to get to the bottom of the listing.

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  5. Add an export option (Excel or other format in which data can be easily manipulated preferable) to the forms History > All Requests and Hist

    Many of our patrons need to download their request history to help with their bibliography, at least every six months (due to our data delinking schedule).

    In the old pages, this was possible with a simple copy and paste into a spreadsheet program.

    In the new 9.1 web pages, there is no easy way to export or print the full list of requests. (Copying and pasting will jumble the format; also, for article requests, key parts of the citation will be missing).

    Can you please add a data export option? Thanks! This is very important because we do delink routinely,…

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Department specific web alerts

    Allow staff users to set web alerts for certain departments as well as set them for multiple statuses at once.

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  8. Another button for "submit and place another request" that reopens the same form again

    This way the request form automatically appears and the users don't have to go back through the navigation menu.

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  9. Multi-language support for ILLiad Patron Web Interface

    Please provide multi-language support for ILLiad web pages or a Spanish language web interface option.

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  10. Have ISBN Search populate the fields on the webrequest form

    The old GIST webpages for ILLiad had a function that allowed a patron to enter an ISBN into a search box on the webrequest form, search for the item, and have it populate the title, author, etc.

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  11. Ability to hide the AccountNo field in the Transaction Request Forms

    We'd like to be able to hide the AccountNo field in the Transaction request forms on the web. Right now, if we want Borrowing billing active with each patron being assigned a Default Account, the transactions created do not have an account selected unless we include this code:
    <select id="AccountNo" name="AccountNo" size="1" class="f-name"><#OPTION name="ValidAccounts">

    But we don't want the patrons to see that account at all. They don't need to know they even have an AccountNo. Right now there is no way to pass it through as a hidden value though.

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  12. Allow staff to customize which transaction statuses are displayed under each heading in the patron interface

    I would like more customizable display options for transaction statuses in the patron interface. For example, once a patron clicks the "Renew" button, the request disappears from their checked out items list until the renewal is processed and routed back to checked out to customer. I would like items in the Renewed by patron status to also appear under the checked out heading.

    We use a lot of custom queues and would like to be able to manage where requests display in the patron interface.

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  13. Add SLChangeUserInfoSucceeded for ILLiad patron information webpages

    This option exists for Ares but is not available in ILLiad 9.1
    The currently available webpages allow users to update address information and other personal account details, but there is no mechanism for letting a user know that their update has been successfully submitted-- i.e. the page reloads, displaying the information a user has just entered into the available fields, so from the user perspective there has not been any apparent change.

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  14. Change to the redirect of a user when they Register in the pages of another nvtgc

    If a user registers to ILLiad (specifically via the NewAuthRegistration.html) in the wrong nvtgc site's pages, during the dll redirect to the right nvtgc pages the UserNotifications entries are not added for the user. The dll log does show that entries are being added but it appears this is written to the log even when the entries have been skipped over.

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  15. strip extra characters out of PMID field when receiving from Pubmed via OpenURL

    The OpenURL generated by Pubmed has the PMID field sent as:
    which puts extra info in front of the PMID value. This means staff have to touch each request and clean it up before searching it. It would be great if the OpenURLMapping table could have an option to strip characters from a value or some other means to clean up that field when it carries over.

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  16. Add hidden fields to request forms for more flexibility

    Currently the Status field is the only option for creating unique request forms. It would be nice to be able to have more information to customize request forms. Some of the user information, such as Status or User Info # would be valuable to work with on request forms. If could be queried to hide/add fields based on unique statuses. The data could be in a query parameter or hidden input field on the page.

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  17. Add the ability to customize elements on the Detail Page based on request status

    We would like the ability to customize what elements/fields display to the user on the Request Detail page. We use custom queues for certain requests and do not want the Due Date to display in the detail view for requests in those queues.

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  18. API method to get requests based on other parameters besides User

    Extend the Web API to include methods that will return data of requests made on parameter like RequestType and RequestDate. This would enable the interfacing of ILLiad data with other database systems.

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  19. Upgrade Forgot Password to Forgot Login

    some users do not recall their username, so we are wondering if the Forgot Password feature would ever upgrade and offer other options such as allowing input of email address or alternative options between forgot password vs. forgot username and etc.

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  20. Update the Default Browser

    Several of our library's databases don't play nice with IE anymore, so when searching for an article while in ILLiad, we have to cut and paste the link into another browser before we can continue the search. This would (hopefully) be eliminated if IE were not the default browser.

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