ILLiad Ideas
7 results found
Ability to add tags to Default Notes field of Cancellation Reasons. Cancellation Reasons have associated Default Notes fields. It would be great if tags could be inserted into the Notes fields to auto-fill information.
Cancellation Reason: We could not fill your request by your deadline.
Default Note:
You indicated you did not need this item after <#Transaction.NotWantedAfter>. If you would still like to received this item, please ....8 votes -
Allow for wildcard IP address entries in the OdysseyAccess table in Customization Manager We have client workstations that are trusted but may change IP address within the organization's assignment pool. While implementing the manual "Allowed" list in the Odyssey Access Control process ( ) it would be helpful for us to allow an entire subnet instead of allowing specific IP addresses. For example, if our known workstations receive a hypothetical address of 10.20.30.x, we would like to be able to enter a single entry that allows all of 10.20.30.*
1 vote -
Exporting Customization Manager Tables Would like the ability to export tables from the customization manager into an excel xls, xlsx, or csv file so that changes can be made.
And then ideally allow the changed file to be uploaded into the customization manager to change the table too.
Tables like the Routing table would really be easier to manage and edit like this.
10 votes -
Highlight active requests that you've worked on but need to follow up on An option to highlight requests in a queue so if you've opened it, you know you've already worked on it or need to follow up on it later. Ability to assign different colors based on your labeling preferences.
26 votes -
Allow the use of an FQDN instead of IP Address in Customization Manager for Odyssey and ISO We have a custom CNAME that we redirect when we replace a server so that we don't have to update links. It would be so much easier if we could use that instead of the IP Address in Customization Manager when configuring Odyssey and ISO so that we don't have to go in and update it when doing a server replacement.
1 vote -
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