Include more high contrast skins in ILLiad
Customer requests more high contrast skin options for ILLiad. "in general if there is a dark background a light font is better. Dark on dark is difficult to read." More details and pictures in ticket 8724.

Sheila Ketchum commented
I'd like the option of having a skin matching ILLiad pre-9.0 with more blue. All the gray is causing some eye strain.
Kat commented
Agreed - in lieu of a full customization, higher contrast skins would be amazing. A greyscale / high-contrast black and white skin would be lovely for colorblind folks, those with eye problems, those in too-bright offices, etc...
Andrew Morgan commented
Ideally, we should be able to completely customize the background and font colors for the entire client.
Alica Smith commented
Yes! I just updated to ILLiad 9.0 and I LOVE having a Dark skin, but the queue name in the lower left is in black and is very difficult to see with the dark grey background. A light grey for the queue name would be better. Things like that.
Anonymous commented
I would also appreciate the ability to enlarge the font a bit.
K. Zdepski commented
It would also be great if the skin choices could enlarge fonts, and make highlighted requests more clear