ILLiad Event Hook for Borrowing Item Shipped
Would it be possible to create an event hook that would trigger when ILLiad detects that an item has been updated to Shipped in OCLC? Currently, my code is regularly checking the Request Sent status for a new value in the DueDate field, but it would be preferable to have it triggered by a system event.

K. Zdepski commented
We would love it if the status could change to "Shipped" in a way that is viewable to the patron -- not necessarily as a notification, but in their account
Austin Smith commented
We're sending patron notifications when items are marked shipped. If you're interested, the current (woefully inefficient) version of the addon is in the addon directory.
Andrew Morgan commented
That would be nice, but that's not really how the other event hooks work. The server addon I use to check this uses the "___ shipped" entry in the History table. If you don't mind me asking, what do you want to have done when the item is updated to shipped?