Lender Addresses with Invoices that are Active
Lender Addresses linked to Invoices that are Active (even those marked Paid) cannot merge with another address. The only option currently is to manually change or delete invoices first. Please consider allowing Paid invoices to not be considered "Active
Anonymous commented
I sent this request to Atlas Systems Support: "I’m trying to merge two ILLiad accounts for the same institution. I receive an error message in ILLiad saying “Addresses which have active invoices cannot be merged.” However, I have verified that all invoices relating to both accounts have been resolved. Can you assist me? We would like to retain the BRA symbol. (merge BIU to BRA)."
Thankfully, Angela Mott and Shawn Styer were able to help me resolve it. Atlas Support Staff are amazing! Thanks
Erica Myles
UChicago ILL Lending
(not sure why it displays as "Anonymous") -
Jen Salvo commented
We had this problem: we were trying to standardize library symbols for those libraries that use LWeb to make requests. We wanted to merge their old accounts with new ones we created with standardized symbols/usernames. We couldn't merge them, even though there was no outstanding debt; they just had previous invoices all marked as "Paid" in Billing Manager.