In-library use option for checking-out and checking-in items in Web Circ
Could you provide a Web Circ option for checking-out and checking-in in-library use items multiple times for a patron? Currently, we don't have an electronic means of tracking when an in-library use item has been removed from our ILL pick up shelf or is being consulted by our patrons.

Shandra Jones commented
I'm interested in your workaround also, Andrew!
Karen Okamoto commented
Thank you for your message, Andrew. Yes, I'd be interested in hearing more about your workaround.
Andrew Morgan commented
I've made a workaround for this (complete with a confirmation pop-up for in-library use only items whenever they're checked in the normal way!) that I don't mind sharing, but I definitely agree that this option should come standard. Editing WebCirc in this way is messy.