ILLiad Ideas
26 results found
Ability to delete and correct pdf - same as tif images Ex. Borrower received article on 7/13 and that one was delivered to web, but then they received it again on 7/16 from the same lender. That time it was a duplicate, and it was stuck at 'unmatched' in the OdysseyReceived table in the database, so every time they hit Electronic Delivery it would come in for them to match it and deliver it.
Usually if a site receives a wrong TIF file that is unmatched, they should use the "delete all" button in the electronic delivery screen in the client. That will change the OdysseyReceived table entry to "Deleted" and…
5 votes -
Would like a way to automate the resend request process Currently, staff have to send an email to the lending library to request a resend. ILLiad doesn't necessarily know that the item has been resent and the original document conflicts with the new version. Also, the message itself for a resend is not in ILLiad or Odyssey or any other system.
33 votes -
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0 votes
Add remember me check box for Elec Del Util login Similar to the check box when logging into the Client.
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