ILLiad Ideas
64 results found
Improve web field notes Patron often add multiple citation entries into one field i.e. paste all of teh citation information into the journal title field. It would be helpful to have field note more obvious to users. Maybe something like this example on behalf of Cleveland Health Sciences Library
3 votes -
Reorder items in the Custom DropDown Table Please give libraries the ability to re-order the CustomDropdown Table in the Customization Manager - there are cases when an order other than alphabetical is what makes most sense to the user.
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New web pages - add link to associated notifications when viewing request detail. I love the new webpages though we haven't made them public yet. One thing I'd like to see is the ability for the patron to see notifications that were sent that were associated with that request when viewing the request details. An example would be an email with the link we sent to an open-access resource via email.
2 votes -
Remove trim function from ILLiad web password login When users log into ILLiad web form to make requests or manage their Illiad account, the ILLiad.dll is trimming spaces from the beginning and end of the password entered. Through LDAP we use our campus Active Directory credentials to let users log into ILLiad. Our campus now has active directory password requirements of including a space (to create a pass phrase). Some users are choosing to put the space at the beginning or end of their password, and because ILLiad is trimming spaces, they cannot log into ILLiad. I don't think ILLiad should be altering passwords entered by the patrons…
9 votes -
Allow patrons to request resends or report a problem with the copy (e.g., bad scan) If patrons have a problem with a received item, they should be able to submit for a re-send within their ILLiad account - currently they have to email/call/come in person. Something like a button for "Report a problem with this document" and a comment field.
60 votes -
Display of Tracking Table on the Web Add ability to customize which statuses from the tracking table display to the user on the ViewDefaultDetailed.html page
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Status-Specific changeuserinformation form Validation on behalf of New Mexico State Library: We would like the ability to have a status-specific ChangeUserInformation form validation. As a referral center for our state, small libraries throughout the state have ILLiad user records to place requests that we process on their behalf. We would like to require different user information on those user records than we require for our other patrons who are individuals working in state government.
1 vote -
Include Display Status in any call to the API that returns a Transaction Status Currently, Display Statuses are not returned with Transaction Status information when using the API.
Our library is using the API to integrate ILLiad into the patron account interface; it would be very helpful to be able to use the Display Status table to mask the queue names.
3 votes -
Default setting for Accept non-English Set on User Record Add a setting to the user records that would apply their selection of Accept Non-English field as the default on all requests from that user
via Site Visit with WVU
2 votes -
Enable auto-population of citation information thru the users' Lending login To better serve former Loansome Doc users (as well as others), it would be helpful to have the ability to auto-populate the citation information thru the lending login. This feature exists in the borrowing login. It's easier for our patrons and more accurate for our staff than having patrons fill in the information manually or email it to staff.
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Make "terminal" statuses customizable We have some statuses that are effectively terminal (eg "Supplied via consortial system"). However, these will remain in patrons' Active Requests in the web interface forever, unless they are moved to Request Finished or Cancelled by ILL Staff. It would be great to be able to add to what statuses are considered no-longer-active.
12 votes -
Ability to upload request from Reference Citation service Our researchers often use Reference Citation services such as RefWorks, EndNote or Zotero to create bibliographies. We would like for them to have the ability to upload a batch/list of items from a service like this or from an excel spreadsheet.
7 votes -
Allow FORMSTATE tag to persist through webpage workarounds. When a workaround is used on the webpages to display something outside of the usual ILLiad workflow, it breaks the tag and doesn't allow OpenURL to route the user back to their request. Ideally, the formstate would persist through the workaround, and the user would be routed back to their request instead of dropped onto the main menu.
2 votes -
Expand the borrowing statuses in which patron cannot cancel. Not sure if this goes in the web interface. We have some custom queues we use for items that we've already ordered and do not want to have the ability for a patron to cancel. Right now can only specify cannot cancel if item is in the "Request Sent" status.
3 votes -
Add Captcha challenge to login and password reset pages Captcha might prevent the recent scripted logins which are resulting in fraudulent lending requests.
1 vote -
Ability to remove loan information from web pages. Many libraries take advantage of NCIP integration with their ILS and thus manage loans (due dates and renewals) directly with their ILS, thus patrons are encouraged not to log into ILLiad web pages to perform those tasks. However, there is no easy way to remove or hide that from the web pages.
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Set web session timeout by patron type/status From customer: We have a faculty member complaining about the web session. We have it set at 10 minutes since so many of our patrons use shared/pubic workstations. Is there any way to individualize web session times by patron type?
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Allow the document type to be set on default ILLiad web forms Use case: A library would like to offer the option for patrons to request a loan in ebook format and process through the Occam's Reader addon. We have set this up as an option with an Item Info field currently, but it would be helpful to be able to use Document Type where this info seems to live more naturally. The other workaround considered was changing the default loan form for GenericRequestLoan but this seemed like a lot of extra work (include_menus, OpenURL Mapping, Validation, etc.) just to add a new value. So if we ever get to make changes…
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0 votes
A prompt on check-in (from Customer) when Special Instructions are present in the ILLiad record For example, if this item could potentially have multiple copies included in a series. Possibly add this to both the Client and Web Circ.
0 votes
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