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  1. Update the Default Browser

    Several of our library's databases don't play nice with IE anymore, so when searching for an article while in ILLiad, we have to cut and paste the link into another browser before we can continue the search. This would (hopefully) be eliminated if IE were not the default browser.

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  2. Allow patrons to request resends or report a problem with the copy (e.g., bad scan)

    If patrons have a problem with a received item, they should be able to submit for a re-send within their ILLiad account - currently they have to email/call/come in person. Something like a button for "Report a problem with this document" and a comment field.

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  3. Add an export option (Excel or other format in which data can be easily manipulated preferable) to the forms History > All Requests and Hist

    Many of our patrons need to download their request history to help with their bibliography, at least every six months (due to our data delinking schedule).

    In the old pages, this was possible with a simple copy and paste into a spreadsheet program.

    In the new 9.1 web pages, there is no easy way to export or print the full list of requests. (Copying and pasting will jumble the format; also, for article requests, key parts of the citation will be missing).

    Can you please add a data export option? Thanks! This is very important because we do delink routinely,…

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  4. 25 votes

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  5. Filter notifications on web to only show emails sent to the user

    Ability to filter notifications under the History > Notification’s page to limit only emails sent to the patron. Right now, this includes all emails sent from ILLiad related to that user's account such as emails that were sent to Acquisitions about purchasing a book.

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  6. Allow WebCirc customization in Customization Manager

    Since WebCirc changes are not supported on Atlas hosted servers, it would be nice to add some customization options for WebCirc and WebReports into the Customization Manager.

    As an example, changing the status message that pops up when checking out a transaction for a blocked user.

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  7. strip extra characters out of PMID field when receiving from Pubmed via OpenURL

    The OpenURL generated by Pubmed has the PMID field sent as:
    which puts extra info in front of the PMID value. This means staff have to touch each request and clean it up before searching it. It would be great if the OpenURLMapping table could have an option to strip characters from a value or some other means to clean up that field when it carries over.

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  8. Make "terminal" statuses customizable

    We have some statuses that are effectively terminal (eg "Supplied via consortial system"). However, these will remain in patrons' Active Requests in the web interface forever, unless they are moved to Request Finished or Cancelled by ILL Staff. It would be great to be able to add to what statuses are considered no-longer-active.

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  9. Prevent the submission of auto-truncated data in request forms

    Summary by KAK: There isn't anything to indicate to users that their submissions will be truncated when they enter too many characters in request form fields. We've created a workaround by using the WebValidation table for PhotoJournalInclusivePages with a validation of ^$|^.{0,30}$ to represent the field is not required and may only be submitted when its character count is less than 30.

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  10. Only display "Reason for Cancellation" in Request Details on the web if the item is currently in a cancelled status.

    We regularly cancel items that get revived later once the patron has made a decision or change of some sort. When those items are revived, "Reason for Cancellation" continues to show in the Request Details on the web. It would be helpful if this field only displayed if the item was in the status of "Cancelled by ILL Staff" or "Cancelled by Customer", and otherwise was hidden.

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  11. Remove trim function from ILLiad web password login

    When users log into ILLiad web form to make requests or manage their Illiad account, the ILLiad.dll is trimming spaces from the beginning and end of the password entered. Through LDAP we use our campus Active Directory credentials to let users log into ILLiad. Our campus now has active directory password requirements of including a space (to create a pass phrase). Some users are choosing to put the space at the beginning or end of their password, and because ILLiad is trimming spaces, they cannot log into ILLiad. I don't think ILLiad should be altering passwords entered by the patrons…

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  12. Limit Cloning in webpages by status

    We want to be able to make the action “Clone” ONLY allowed for Completed Requests. We want to remove it from Checked out Items, Outstanding Items, Cancelled Items, and Delivered PDFs.

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  13. Add SLChangeUserInfoSucceeded for ILLiad patron information webpages

    This option exists for Ares but is not available in ILLiad 9.1
    The currently available webpages allow users to update address information and other personal account details, but there is no mechanism for letting a user know that their update has been successfully submitted-- i.e. the page reloads, displaying the information a user has just entered into the available fields, so from the user perspective there has not been any apparent change.

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  14. Hide due dates on shipped Borrowing loans on Web

    9.1 web pages, patrons can see due dates for requested/shipped items before they’ve arrived. This has confused patrons and does not always reflect the due date that will actually be assigned to the material.

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  15. Additional section of the homepage for storing filled article requests

    We have received a request from one of our most active researchers to add an additional section to the ILLiad homepage that users could route article requests to, rather than all filled requests being under Electronic Documents. This would help our users manage higher volumes of requests.

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  16. Keep user on Main Menu Page after renewing an item

    If a user is on the Main Menu page and wants to renew a checked out item, clicking on the renew button directs the user to the transaction details. Instead, allow the user to remain on the Main Menu and display the success error so the patron doesn't have to navigate back to the main page.

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  17. Ability to upload request from Reference Citation service

    Our researchers often use Reference Citation services such as RefWorks, EndNote or Zotero to create bibliographies. We would like for them to have the ability to upload a batch/list of items from a service like this or from an excel spreadsheet.

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  18. Add a user confirmation check to the WebCirc checkout process

    It's easy for a high-volume institution with many student workers at many desks to mistakenly check a book out to a user that is not for the user in front of them. Because the TN# is attached to the user, ILLiad then indicates that the item is checked out to the requesting user when the book may have been given to the wrong user. A simple pop-up during the checkout process confirming the username/ID# of the user the item is being checked out to would help prevent this. (and the ability to undo if necessary)

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  19. Improve WebCirc functionality

    Allow for WebCirc users (staff) to undo something they did by mistake, for instance, marking an item in transit back to ILL instead of checking it out. And/or add a "are you sure" message when moving a request to in transit that is not already at "checked out to customer"

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  20. Allow for more targeted web alerts

    Allow for multiple critera for displaying web alerts. We have 23 campuses and I'd like to be able to specify I want (for example) Faculty at One Campus (organization field) to receive an alert but not the Faculty at the other 22 campuses. (and other similar circumstances)

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