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  3. Dropped User/Staff/LenderAddresses tables need permissions added back

    The permissions for the dropped tables are not being added back/copied over and have to be done manually after the update.


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  4. SLLoginFailed not showing up for invalid Username on Forgot Password

    The invalid username status line doesn't seem to be triggering the SLLoginFailed customization key on the Forgot Password page. The status line does appear if triggered on the logon pages.

    v9.0 & 8.7

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  6. SQL Alias Manager does not display properly with high DPI

    In SQL Alias Manager v1.2.2 the textboxes to enter a server address and the database name are not visible.

    Workaround: If you shrink the page splitter and move to the left, the textboxes will begin to appear.


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  7. ILLiad print datasource using legacy headers

    When printing the PrintAddress.doc template from the client, the PrintAddress.xlsx data source file that is created has the Legacy style headers for both the Legacy queue and the Print queue.


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  8. BillingManagerPrintDataPath defaults to C:\illiad\print\ on Client install

    The data source for the Billing Manager printing process still defaults to C:\illiad\print\ in the Customization Manager, but newer installations of the ILLiad client don't create this folder. This only occurs for new installations who don't have the print folder from previous installations.

    v9.0 & 8.7

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  10. System addons that explicitly set FormNames can result in loading the addon multiple times

    If a system addon is created but FormNames are also entered, the addon will be loaded for both the system script environment and for each form script environment that is specified. An example where this causes errors is when registering system event handlers which can only be registered to a single addon.
    Forms are not relevent in Library, System, or Server addons.

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  12. Lender Address form throws an error

    FormLenderAddresses will throw an exception when the request tab is opened without the lender being saved first.

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  14. Change Password form does not have correct tab ordering for the ForcePasswordReset checkbox

    The Force Password Reset checkbox does not have the focus prior to the Ok button for proper Top->Bottom & Left->Right expectations. v9.0.3

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  15. 3 of 9 barcode font missing after Version 9 update

    Some customers are experiencing issues with the 3 of 9 barcode font being removed during the 9.0 client update. This seems to be dependent on previous install/update scenarios.

    Workaround: The issue can be resolved by manually installing the font or re-running the client installer in repair mode.

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  16. Z39.50 YazLoader typo & wrong dependency loaded

    Repro Steps
    The YazLoader class (only used for loading Z39.50 in an addon) has a typo and should be libraryname. Also the YazLoader is not loading the zlib1.dll file despite the log indicating it has. It actually loads libxslt.dll a second time. zlib1.dll is a dependency of libxml2.dll and not a direct dependency of yaz3.dll which has allowed it to not work with bundling the zlib1.dll with addons using this. Currently the LendingAvailabilityAddon for Wisconsin is the only user of this code.

    [DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
    private extern static IntPtr LoadLibrary(string librayName);
    log.Debug("Loading zlib1.dll");
    LoadLibrary(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "libxslt.dll"));

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  17. ILLiad Reports - Prior NVTGC Remembered if back button used

    Repro Steps
    ILLiad reports sometimes generate with more sites than were intended.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Find or set up an ILLiad server that has multiple sites
    2. Go to <illiad_server>/ILLiad/webreports
    3. Choose any report and select one of the sites that is not "ALL". Make sure that the selected site is the only site that is selected.
    4. Generate the report, notice that the


    If you use the menu links when navigating the WebReports module, this issues does not occur.

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  18. ILLiad- Statuses do not alert screen readers about the problem on the page (incorrect password, failed validation, etc)

    It is very confusing to fail validation while using a screen reader because it isn't apparent that validation failed.

    It should likely alert the user on page reload.

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  19. Changing layout of tabbed groups on Main Menu causes owner issue

    Repro Steps
    When splitting out the Borrowing, Doc Del, and Lending tabbed groups to all show, an error is shown and queues do not load properly when the client is opened.

    1. Customize Layout on main form by right clicking on Borrowing and choosing customize layout. 2, Switch to the Layout Tree View. Choose the Requests tabbed group and right click and select "Ungroup Tabbed Group"
    2. Save the layout for the user
    3. Close/Reopen the client.
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  20. The ILLiad DLL does not correctly set more than one cookie at a time.

    This is not actually a bug yet because the illiad.dll doesn't set more than one cookie at a time. However, if SetCookie() were to be called more than once it would overwrite the cookie custom header.

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