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  1. Request cloning from the staff client will always set the RequestType to Article

    Repro Steps
    1. Open a loan request in the staff client
    2. Clone the request. The behavior is the same regardless of cloning to same user or different user and if the request is/is not opened after the process is completed.

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  2. Some unicode characters are not properly encoded on OpenURL submissions if the user must log in first.

    This seems to be a new issues introduced in ILLiad 8.7 when we switched to Delphi XE 8. To reproduce, submit an OpenURL request using the included URL both with and without a session. When you're already logged in, the cyrillic characters are rendered correctly in the author field and a ligature is used in the title. If you don't have an active session and are sent through the logon2 page, those fields will be rendered as ?s or boxes, indicating a problem with the form state encoding. I confirmed this URL worked correctly on ILLiad 8.6.x and earlier.

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  3. UTF-8 characters are not decoded properly in some cases

    For OpenURL requests, if the patron already has an active websession and do not have to log in the characters are correctly translated.

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  4. Routing rule errors may be misleading in the logs

    Routing rules errors are logged as "Invalid match string" errors even when the error is not caused by an issue with the match string.

    Bug# 26555

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  5. Docline Lending Request Import excludes certain formatted data

    'Pages' and 'Issue' values are not properly imported from the 'Citation' section of incoming Docline lending requests if these values are not formatted in a specific way. The page range for the 'Pages' value must be formatted with a hyphen (e.g., 123-126) and the 'Issue' value must be formatted as a single numeric value to properly import.

    Bug# 27806

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    0 comments  ·  Docline  ·  Admin →
  6. Lending shipping label printing will not apply sort settings

    Lending shipping labels will not be sorted by the sort settings configured in the Print Configurations form of the ILLiad Client when printed.

    Bug# 25067

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  7. ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled customization key does not work if the WebAuthType key is not set to ILLiadAuth

    Setting the ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled customization key to No does not disable ILLiadAuth user registration unless the WebAuthType key is set to ILLiadAuth.
    This means that if a site is using LDAP, they cannot prevent ILLiadAuth user accounts from being created by setting the ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled key to No.

    Workaround: Remove or rename the FirstTimeUsers.html page so that patrons cannot get there to click to get to the NewUserRegistration.html page. Optionally also rename/remove the NewUserRegistration.html page.

    Bug# 25019

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  8. Odyssey Manager creates blank pdfs

    Odyssey Manager fails to convert large TIF files of approximately 1 GB to PDF. The log does not indicate a problem but shows the process occurring in just a few seconds.  The resulting PDF file is blank.

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  9. Unable to modify some ZServer configuration fields in Customization Manager for MARC records

    If a Z39.50 server configuration is set to use MARC  holdings, the availability fields become read-only. If you need to edit the availability fields, please contact your support representative so they can edit directly in database for you. v8.7 and v9.0

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  10. Z39.50 YazLoader typo & wrong dependency loaded

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    The YazLoader class (only used for loading Z39.50 in an addon) has a typo and should be libraryname. Also the YazLoader is not loading the zlib1.dll file despite the log indicating it has. It actually loads libxslt.dll a second time. zlib1.dll is a dependency of libxml2.dll and not a direct dependency of yaz3.dll which has allowed it to not work with bundling the zlib1.dll with addons using this. Currently the LendingAvailabilityAddon for Wisconsin is the only user of this code.

    [DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]
    private extern static IntPtr LoadLibrary(string librayName);
    log.Debug("Loading zlib1.dll");
    LoadLibrary(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "libxslt.dll"));

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  11. ILLiad Reports - Prior NVTGC Remembered if back button used

    Repro Steps
    ILLiad reports sometimes generate with more sites than were intended.

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. Find or set up an ILLiad server that has multiple sites
    2. Go to <illiad_server>/ILLiad/webreports
    3. Choose any report and select one of the sites that is not "ALL". Make sure that the selected site is the only site that is selected.
    4. Generate the report, notice that the


    If you use the menu links when navigating the WebReports module, this issues does not occur.

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  12. ILLiad- Statuses do not alert screen readers about the problem on the page (incorrect password, failed validation, etc)

    It is very confusing to fail validation while using a screen reader because it isn't apparent that validation failed.

    It should likely alert the user on page reload.

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  13. Changing layout of tabbed groups on Main Menu causes owner issue

    Repro Steps
    When splitting out the Borrowing, Doc Del, and Lending tabbed groups to all show, an error is shown and queues do not load properly when the client is opened.

    1. Customize Layout on main form by right clicking on Borrowing and choosing customize layout. 2, Switch to the Layout Tree View. Choose the Requests tabbed group and right click and select "Ungroup Tabbed Group"
    2. Save the layout for the user
    3. Close/Reopen the client.
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  14. The ILLiad DLL does not correctly set more than one cookie at a time.

    This is not actually a bug yet because the illiad.dll doesn't set more than one cookie at a time. However, if SetCookie() were to be called more than once it would overwrite the cookie custom header.

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  15. Need to remove ESPUpdate table entry for Received when the error is "Received not allowed here"

    If we receive the error we should ensure that the ESPupdate is removed so that it will not attempt to retry since we already know that OCLC will consider it invalid based on it's current state.

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  16. Scan button too close to Article Exchange button leading to missends

    I hate the location of "Article Exchange" icon in ILLiad It is located just to the left of "SCAN." Once again, I had to rescan a 30 page article because my curser slipped and the article sent without the last two pages, plus every other page was upside down, and nothing had been I called MND and told him that he would need to delete the article exchange in his email and I would start all over. He said "I understand" because I do the same thing about once a week. Please help and get the location of Article…

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  17. Invalid characters in title error when submitted to OCLC

    Workform Mapping should be replacing invalid XML characters.

    Currently workform mapping handles replacement of \r & \n.

    1. Create a borrowing request in the client.
    2. Via the database update an Article Title to include "&#x1F"
    3. Close the request form and re-open after the invalid characters are added.
    4. Search OCLC and attempt to send the OCLC request.

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  18. Information in ShippingAddresses is not updated with newer information if there is a lender conflict

    Repro Steps
    The ShippingAddresses table is populated with ReturnTo address information when ConnectionManager detects a lender has shipped material. In the event that a lender undo's shipped and a new lender supplies the material, the ShippingAddresses info on the borrowing side will contain the wrong ReturnTo address information since it is not updated in the event of a lender conflict.

    1.) UCW request a book from Lender-A
    2.) Lender-A updates shipped but recalls book right away and perhaps never actually ships it
    3.) UCW rerequests and is filled by Lender-B, which updates as shipped as expected.
    4.) UCW checks in…

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  19. Request data may be lost when a request is submitted after the user's NVTGC is changed

    If a user's NVTGC is changed while the user is filling out a request on the ILLiad web pages, the request will still be submitted when the user clicks the Submit Request button, but the data the user entered into the request form will not be saved to the request.

    Bug# 27212

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  20. Ampersand in username causes error in ILLiad web pages when viewing PDFs

    If a user has an ampersand (&) in their username, they are unable to view PDFs on the ILLiad web interface and receive the following error:

    "Error: You may only view transactions that belong to you."

    Bug# 27622

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