Support for CASHnet as a payment gateway

Jet Jacobs commented
The UCLA Library is very interested in integrating Cashnet into our Aeon services. The University already uses CashNet as its online payment system. Utilizing CashNet would assist both in user functionality as well as organizing recharges and gathering statistics. Implementing Cashnet with Aeon would SIGNIFICANTLY reduce redundancy.
Anonymous commented
This would be great for UCLA-LSC. Joshua articulates well our existing challenges! - Athena Jackson, Director, UCLA Library Special Collections
Joshua Gomez commented
Without the integration, our Special Collections department must use an in-house system for library billing and payments, which was built for handling circulation fees. Thus, to receive payments for Aeon users, our librarians must create dummy accounts in our catalog and with the university's identity management system. This is all very cumbersome for both the staff and the Aeon users. A direct integration between Aeon and Cashnet would enable us to use Aeon invoicing and the users would no longer need accounts in any other system. This is particularly pressing for us since we are now migrating to a new ILS and the in-house billing application will be shut down.