Request Merging for ASpace PUI
I don't know if this is an idea but I'd love to get feedback. We're testing requesting from the ArchivesSpace PUI. We're relying on the "request merge" feature for part of the process. The idea is that if a patron requests multiple items from the same box, these requests will automatically merge into one request. To the patron, the request has all of the titles concatenated in the itemtitile field, separated by pipes. But it looks a little long and confusing. We thought maybe an bulleted list would be clearer. But I don't know how other people use the "request merge" functionality, so was curious if other people thought that was a good idea.

A new option called :top_container_mode has been added to the plugin configuration. Top container mode limits requesting to resource records and archival objects with top containers. The request button directs users to a new form in Aeon, ArchivalRequest.html, that will render the top containers as checkboxes. Each checked box will submit 1 request to Aeon. The requests will be submitted to Awaiting Request Processing.
The updated plugin also includes more granular options to control requesting based on restrictions. And an option to flag containers stored offsite.
More information is available in the documentation.
Diana Bachman commented
I think a bulleted list would be better. We also manually merge requests from the same box into one new TN (to retain folder titles), or cancel out the duplicate request.