Would like an email notification from Aeon when a patron has paid for an order
Georgia State University is using TouchNet to allow patrons to pay for orders via credit card. It is not enough of a notification that the order status changes to “Awaiting Item Delivery,” as there will be multiple orders in that queue at a time, including for patrons who weren’t charged, as well as pending file delivery from vendors. It’s difficult to understand which requests are new from TouchNet payments. They would ideally like for Aeon to send an email notification, or at least display some kind of flag on the Aeon client. For now, they are looking into TouchNet to see if TouchNet can send an email notification. Right now, the TouchNet notifications go to the university’s business office, and are not limited to Aeon transactions, so they are looking into some way of having TouchNet notifications get sent to Special Collections.

Ana D. Rodriguez commented
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has the same dilemma. Other than login into the Aeon Client, we don't have an email option that would alert us of payments received.