ILLiad Ideas
28 results found
automated email confirming return via Web Circ When loan is checked in via Web Circ (and status changes from Checked Out to Customer to In Transit From Customer), ILLiad automatically sends email to patron confirming return. Patron receives confirmation of returned ILL + helps ILL staff reduce claims returned situations. Email would simply acknowledge return, including the TN, title, author, etc.
7 votes -
Allow staff to mass email patrons based on status or other criteria Allow staff to send an email to ILLiad users based on status or department, etc so that they could send out one email to many people to announce updates, new services, request feedback/survey. Ex. I am going to install ILLiad 9 on Thursday and we will be down for 3 hours. I'd like to email all of the Faculty to let them know and also warn them that they will need to change password upon login.
60 votes -
Add ability to track sent email copies by template It would be helpful to know which email templates were being used and which are not. There is currently no mechanism to track outgoing notifications by ID. University of Washington would use this information to remove unused or infrequently used templates, to reduce the amount of options in the notifications drop down.
1 vote -
Html Email Include the option for html email
39 votes -
Spell Check for custom emails When I type a custom email to a patron from within the client, I'd like spell check.
22 votes -
Strip carriage returns out of email subject before sending If an email subject has a field that creates carriage returns (like title), it's failing to send. The carriage returns could be stripped out before sending to avoid errors.
4 votes -
Allow EmailTemplates to have a TransactionStatus they are moved to (like Aeon) and a subject field EmailTemplates with field for the subject and a field to show the new TransactionStatus. Currently, the subjects are customization keys and the text is an email template.
0 votes -
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