ILLiad Known Issues
143 results found
"Not Wanted After" column sorts results incorrectly in grid view
Sorting by the "Not Wanted After" column while in a grid view will order results by the first digit in the date string rather than by the date itself.
Bug# 17798
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The data source file path for invoice print templates is incorrect
The invoice print templates (BorrowingBillingManagerInvoice.doc, LendingBillingManagerInvoice.doc, and DocDelBillingManagerInvoice.doc) are set to use C:\Program Files (x86)\ILLiad\Print as the path to the data source files instead of C:\Users[username]\Documents\ILLiad\Print.
Bug# 17615
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Billing Manager requires a trailing slash in the PrintDocumentsPath value
If the file path specified in the PrintDocumentsPath customization key doesn't contain a trailing slash, documents will not be printed from the Billing Manager and no error will display noting the problem.
Bug# 17614
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Unable to force password reset on Lender Address records
When using the Change Password button on a Lender Address record in the ILLiad Client, checking the Force Password Reset checkbox will not force the lender to update the password upon login.
Bug# 17402
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ILLiad SAML Module will not log signing response errors
If the SAML.config file for the SAML Module indicates responses will be signed, the module will throw a 500 error when a response is not signed but will not log the error.
Bug# 17263
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ILLiad Client displays incorrect count for requests imported from Docline
The ILLiad Client will display an incorrect count in the status bar for the number of requests imported from Docline when importing multiple requests.
Bug# 17278
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ISOFieldMapping table is missing from the ILLiad Customization Manager
The ISOFieldMapping table is not present/customizable in the ILLiad Customization Manager in both ILLiad v9.1 and v9.2.
Bug# 17150
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Creating new staff users allows trailing spaces
Trailing spaces are allowed for values in the Username, First Name, and Last Name fields when creating new staff users in the Staff Manager, which may cause issues with matching the user in other systems (e.g., AtlasBI).
Bug# 16656
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Leaving the ILLiad Client idle will trigger CCC credentials error on the Process Copyright form
Leaving the ILLiad Client idle for a period of time will trigger the following error if the Process Copyright form was left open:
ILLiad 9.1: "Error communicating with the CCC. Please ensure that your CCC credentials are configured correctly."
ILLiad 9.2: "Unable to authenticate with CCC. Please check your configuration."
The Client logs will display the following message:
-DEBUG AtlasSystems.ILLiad.Client.Controls.CopyrightSearch - System.Exception: Error communicating with CCC.
at AtlasSystems.Copyright.CccApiClientBase.<Reauthenticate>d__20.MoveNext()Workaround: Close the Process Copyright form and reopen it.
Bug# 16750
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LendingPrintRequest.doc print template contains incorrect merge fields
Several merge fields used on the LendingPrintRequest.doc print template are incorrect.
Bug# 16538
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Some server addons may not log errors
Certain kinds of server addons may experience an issue where errors are not logged. INFO and DEBUG entries for the addon will still log properly.
Bug #16386
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Initial Cleared User email may fail to send when using certain authentication types
When using certain authentication types (including PatronAPI, ILLiadExclusive) with the automatic user clearance feature, the notification preferences for newly registered users on the web will not be set before the Cleared User email is sent, leading to failure to send the email and the following error:
ERROR AtlasSystems.ILLiad.WebPlatform.Controllers.V1.NotificationController - AtlasSystems.ILLiad.DomainLogic.Exceptions.NotificationRequiredException: Exception of type 'AtlasSystems.ILLiad.DomainLogic.Exceptions.NotificationRequiredException' was thrown.
Bug# 15092
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Odyssey Manager fails to process files if the associated username contains an apostrophe
The Odyssey Manager will fail to process files for which the associated username contains an apostrophe and will throw an "incorrect syntax" error in the logs.
Bug# 15347
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Rapid Manager does not correctly handle Obsolete Request errors when processing renewal responses
If the ESPUpdate table contains any expired Rapid requests, the Rapid Manager will be unable to handle the Obsolete Request error received from the Rapid API and will be prevented from processing any remaining requests.
Bug# 15701
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SLLogout status line doesn't display in 9.1 web pages
The text configured in the SLLogout status line key will not display on the 9.1 web pages after the user logs out of ILLiad.
Bug# 14798
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Requests are sometimes created with a NULL transaction status
Requests in ILLiad may sometimes be created with a blank/NULL transaction status that can then cause issues with web reports, routing rules, and custom searches.
Bug# 14436
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WebTNNotesFilter will not apply on Edit pages
When a request is edited on the web, ILLiad will pull in the latest note regardless of the value in the WebTNNotesFilter key.
Bug# 14374
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The "Route Request to Review" action in the Automated Request Manager (ARM) causes unexpected behavior in ILLiad
If the "Route Request to Review" action is selected in the configuration settings for the OCLC Automated Request Manager, this can lead to ILLiad unexpectedly closing the affected direct requests.
Bug# 14342
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Screenshots submitted through the Feedback form are corrupted when saved
Screenshots submitted through the Feedback form of the Client will display correctly on the form but will be corrupted after the file is saved.
Bug# 14332
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Copyright web report exports incorrectly
The Microsoft Excel file produced when exporting results from the Copyright web report populates the results from the Finished Requests table in all three sheets (Finished Requests, Outstanding Requests, and Completed Orders).
Bug# 14244
0 votes