Send mass email to instructors via Ares client.
We'd like to be able to send a mass email to all instructors who use Ares i.e. create one email and be able to choose "instructor" as the subset of Ares users that the email gets sent to. This enables us to send out reminders and other notifications to all faculty at once.

Anonymous commented
This would save us so much time! Please consider getting this one done.
Steph commented
It would be helpful to be able to send out updates to all instructors in a semester. Especially if there is a change in something to do with ares, it would be easy and fast to send a targeted email about that change only to those impacted.
Lauren commented
I agree that it would be particularly useful to be able to email all instructors for a specific semester, to send reminders and updates. A format limiting option would also be helpful - when our campus closed due to COVID-19, we manually identified every instructor with a hard copy on reserve so we could reach out and arrange alternative access. A mass email option would have been much quicker, and I can imagine other emergency scenarios (e.g. a sudden closure due to fire, water damage, etc.) where such time savings would be invaluable. I can also see the value in being able to email students - generally, with reminders on how to use course reserves, as well as specifically, if there is a known issue with a reserve item. We had an issue last year with one database article that wouldn't properly trigger the proxy when accessed by students through Ares, and being able to email the whole class to describe workaround access while we resolved the issue would have been incredible.
Liza commented
This is a wonderful idea!
Anonymous commented
I also support this option! Our university has moved completely to remote instruction during a COVID19 closure and we have a fair amount of important updates to send faculty as the situation develops. This tool would help us communicate with them more effectively moving forward.
Krista Higham commented
I too support this option! I like Hilary's suggestions. Limit instructions to last academic year or two years OR have list of semesters and check box the ones you want to use. Ability to schedule the message would also be very helpful.
Hilary Thompson commented
I support this addition! To make this feature most useful for us, we would need to be able to:
(1) Limit instructors contacted by specific semesters (i.e. not email all instructors with records in Ares, but ones who used reserves in the past academic year).
(2) Schedule the date this reminder would be sent in advance. If this scheduling could somehow tie into semester maintenance, even better. (I'm envisioning a customization manager key where you could input the number of days before a start date or after an item addition date that this email reminder would send, so you wouldn't have to specify the date each semester). -
Anne Marie Lyons commented
A library reported that they would like to email instructors before the semester begins to remind them to start submitting course reserves items
Anonymous commented
I see this as a useful option ...especially at the end of a term to forewarn instructors of the intent to remove material from reserve stacks. Occasionally there is a need to leave some materials on reserve for an extended period.
Angela Mott commented
related, it would be good to hear more from sites that would like this feature for students too.
At the Access Services 2017 conference it came up that some sites also wanted the ability to email all students, but there was some discussion about the announcements/alerts feature on the web pages and confusion how/why an “email all students” feature would be used. -
Angela Mott commented
At the Access Services 2017 conference these were brought up:
Want the ability to mass email all instructors from the client, and limit by:
o All instructors w/ something on Reserve NOW
o All instructors PERIOD
o Limit by Media Type /Document type (ex. just everyone with video, etc.)
o Limit by Processing Site -
Joanne Rumig commented
I would also like to be able to select a term if we wanted to email regarding cloning materials to a future term etc.