Aeon Ideas
8 results found
Popup Notice for New Appointments Could we have a notification pop up when someone makes a new appointment, the same way we get notices when a patron makes a new request, submits a photodup request, or creates a new account?
13 votes -
Exclude closed days from lead day counts When patrons make requests the day before regular closures, closed days are counted as lead days, so materials may not be available in time for patron appointment.
10 votes -
Schedule Staff Notifications in Aeon Client We have recently been thinking about how we can improve our staff communications in the Reading Room. We often have instances where staff need to be alerted to special arrangements, updates or events in the Reading Room in a timely manner.
It occurred to me that the functionality we are looking for is much like that available in the Aeon system when alert pop-ups occur for new requests for processing and users waiting to be cleared.
It would be ideal if editable alerts could be scheduled so that when staff log in to the Aeon Client, a pop-up appears with…
6 votes -
Add a notification to Aeon client for new signed-in users It would be great to have a notification in the Aeon cient for new signed-in users. We have our site set up so that the receptionist signs users into Aeon when they arrive, and then they walk upstairs to the reading room, where they are assigned a seat number by the reading room supervisor.
The reading room staff would find it helpful to get a pop-up notification for new signed-in users so they know when to expect people walking into the reading room.
We would want an alert every time they sign in, not just on the first visit.
3 votes -
Email notifications for new requests Would it be possible to add notifications to staff via email when new requests come in? The pop-up notification that happens now is not always useful for staff, since often staff are not at their desks - they are in the stacks or elsewhere, and do not see the notification for awhile.
2 votes -
Have all notifications sent from the system appear under "Notifications" in the web client Custom notifications do not appear under "Notifications" in the web client. Given that system-relayed emails are routinely bounced by email servers (this is a recurring problem for us), it would be helpful if emails that appear in the client on the history tab under "email history" were visible there.
2 votes -
Ability to text patrons The University of Washington would like to send text messages to patrons about a variety of notifications from Aeon, provided that the patron has requested to be texted. There is an existing UserVoice here specifically to send appointment notifications:
1 vote -
Ability to customize new request notifications I'd love to be able to customize the new request notifications. An example would be to to turn off notifications for requests that are part of activities.
1 vote
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