More flexibility with multi-site configurations
This idea came from a list in preparation for the 2015 Aeon User Symposium.
Better administrative options for configuring multi-site (not single system contact email, individual request limits per repository, Customization Manager for each Reading Room), better email support for multi-site in Aeon and not relying on Outlook rules to forward email to correct repository)

Caro commented
+1 for EMAIL support for multi-site especially. In particular, I would suggest site-specific customizability for the one-click "Confirm/+" button in confirming appointments and simultaneously sending a confirmation email. What a wonderful feature that would be. I'm in a multi-site configuration where one of our locations can use this handy button, but the rest of us can't, since we have to convey site-specific information in emails. The rest of us use manual/email templates but can't use the "Confirm/+" button
Anne Marie Lyons commented
The University of Washington would like to be able to have custom request limits per reading room.
mingtao commented
It will be really helpful to have a different set of administrative options for each site on a multi-site installation. (and have a logic for the system to fall back to default option if none site-specific option is found for a specific situation, and a logic for dealing with parent-child sites setup). For examples:
- Activity, Transaction, User email templates: each site can have their own sets of templates. they can be associated in the "customization manager" to the site, and they will NOT show up in the client dropdown for a different site login (other than the "power" site aeon)
- Billing options: they can be associated with a site. There is no reason for a site to see all the billing options (services) the site won't offer.
- Request limit: a site can set the request limit it can handle for different type of users.