Option to reassign seat to user without signing out and back in
Seat Assignments: It is currently not possible to reassign users’ seats in the reading room without first checking them out of the room and then checking them back in. Patrons regularly change seats to view different size and formats of materials. Having a real-time view of seating, as well as a seat history, is vital from a security perspective. The need to check patrons out and then in again also potentially compromises security, as well as creating an inaccurate record of events, which be important in any (hopefully unlikely) security events.

Laura Leone commented
I also echo the sentiments listed here! Yes, please make this happen! And also, I'll chime in here about the RR sign-in section on the dashboard - can we also display what each user signed into the RR has checked out at any given time? There may be another enhancement for this already...Thank you, Laura Leone at NYPL.
Anonymous commented
I STRONGLY agree! Please make this happen : )
Michael Lange commented
The signing out and back in also skews the statistics, especially with the new Atlas BI system as the current reports count each sign in from an individual during the day, not just the first one.
Matthew Adair commented
I'll second this request (Or maybe third it?) We have the same situation. A user might end up changing locations depending on the kind of materials they are using. Specifically for us, microforms and AV materials.
AdminKatie Gillespie (Special Collections & Archives Program Manager, Atlas Systems, Inc.) commented
Currently, when a user is signed in to Aeon with a seat location, they have to be signed out and signed back in to change the seat/table location. Users would like the ability to change the assigned seat/table without signing the user out and back in. An addition to the right-click menu from the Dashboard would be ideal.
This was requested by Duke as well during a visit.