Allow photoduplication requesting via External Request Endpoint (ERE)
Requests placed via external requesting (especially from ArchivesSpace) are unable to be turned into photoduplication orders. Patrons or staff must clone the request to a copy order, which creates confusion with duplicate requests.

The option to toggle between scheduling a request and requesting photoduplication is supported on the ArchivalRequest.html released with Aeon 5.2 as part of the updated ArchivesSpace Aeon Request Plugin.
Anne Marie Lyons commented
When a patron imports a request from ArchivesSpace into Aeon, the request is placed into the Saved Requests area. There is no option on that page or in the Edit form of the request to submit a photoduplication order instead of a reading room request. The patron has to be submit a reading room request, then know to return to the Main Menu where they can clone the request to copy and cancel the reading room request. For now, both University of Arkansas and Case Western have modified the status lines (SLShowUserReview and SLSubmitExternalRequest) for the Saved Requests page to instruct the patron to contact Special Collections if they need to request a reproduction instead of schedule a reading room appointment.
Kathleen Monahan commented
Patrons have a lot of trouble finding the ability to clone requests --- a way to either place in-person requests or photoduplication requests in ArchivesSpace without needing to edit each individual request is really important for our staff's sanity.
Nora Murphy commented
This would greatly simplify the process for everyone