Aeon Ideas
93 results found
Ability to verify valid email addresses when patrons register Boston Public Library would like to make sure that patrons add a valid, working email address when registering in Aeon. This goes beyond web validation for email address formatting; they would like for Aeon to be able to send an email validation to the patron to confirm that it is their email address.
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Add the ability to schedule partial closures Add the ability to schedule partial closures within the customization manager. Because of instruction held frequently in the reading room, I would like to be able to block requesting for specific blocks of time within a day, for example, from 1:00-2:30.
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View notifications from transaction details on web It would be useful to add the notifications related to a single TN to the TN detail page. Patrons could more easily correlate the notifications with the TN.
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4 votes
Allow patrons to remove tags from multiple requests at once via web I was thinking something like the Approve Orders table where patrons could click one or multiple checkboxes from the table (the one they view when they click the tag link from the main menu) and click a "remove tag" button.
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Enable option to display Preferred Name (if present) or First Name on MainMenu and/or ViewOutstandingRequest Create tag to display FirstOrPreferred on web pages
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Appointments that are invalid for selection based on MinLeadDays shouldn't be selectable when creating new requests Currently, if a request is submitted for an appointment within the MinLeadDays on EADRequest, the request is submitted to Awaiting User Review, without indication to the patron that they cannot request for the selected appointment. Aeon should not allow users to submit requests for appointments that are within the MinLeadDays.
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Add support for full-day appointments Allow sites to require patrons to book a full-day appointment (1 slot for 1 seat in a day) and improve the interface display for booking appointments when a full-day appointment is offered.
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Extend length of status lines Currently, status line text has a character limit (255?) but this is often not long enough, especially if links are included in the text, as the href code is included in the character count. Status lines should be set to longer character length.
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Ability to add custom field descriptions to SLInvalidFieldLength The current message "The <#FIELDNAME> field has a limit of <#FIELDLENGTH> characters." refers back to the database field names such as ItemInfo1. This is confusing to users who don't know which field to correct because the default field name has been changed in the web view.
It would be helpful to have the ability to reference our custom field names in the Status Line messages.
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Add ability to customize the Cancellation Message -- Cancelled by Customer When a request is cancelled by the user, the message that is displayed in the web for Reason for Cancellation is "Cancelled by Customer." Having the ability to edit that text would allow consistency across web pages if edits have been made to address Users as Researchers or Patrons rather than Customers.
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Update javascript functionality in scheduled-date.js - vary based on site or location Scheduled-date.js currently only offers one version of the scheduled date calendar for all forms. In many cases, the calendar needs to change based on form, site, or location.
Site example: several libraries use one instance of Aeon. One reading room is open on Saturday, but the others are not. Should have the option for one site to include Saturday and the other(s) to block requesting on Saturdays.
Location example: If materials are offsite, they may take longer to retrieve. The scheduled date calendar should be configurable to block days if material if offsite, or allow same day requesting if it…
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3 votes
Allow patrons option to view password during password creation on registration form The University of Washington would like for the patron to be able to view the password, if desired - i.e., "eyelid" toggle icon, while creating the password on the registration page. This way, they can catch any errors when they have to enter their password twice, instead of starting over if there is a password character mismatch.
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Aeon Appointments front-facing tracking While we have granular details about user Reading Room history via the client, is there a way to allow patrons to see similar history? With the All Appointments filter, patrons can now see a history of their appointments. However, it doesn't specify how long the patron was there or if they showed up at all. Also, the Scheduled Appointments history doesn't allow for walk-in visitors, who do not make an advance appointment. Thank you.
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Create option to restrict reproductions in specific cases via the ArchivesSpace plugin Some collections are restricted for digitization but are available for in-person viewing. An option should be added to Aeon to restrict the photoduplication option for specific collections. A customization key would need to be added where a list of unique item URIs could be added when duplication is restricted.
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Add "Ready for Paging" status and make available via web Actions menu Some reading rooms would like the option for patrons to notify staff when materials should be paged, either before or during an appointment/reading room visit. Adding a Ready for Paging status to the web actions menu would allow patrons to submit requests when ready. Like Remove from Hold, this action should be available only when a request is in a specific status - Awaiting Request Processing. There should be a key or other setting allowing sites to turn this option on or off depending on their retrieval process.
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Change sort order on ViewAppointments to next upcoming apppointment shows first and latest (farthest future) appointment is at bottom Ex: September should show before Oct, then Nov. Right now, Nov shows at top.
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Prompt patron to update password when registration is expired The University of Tulsa would like for patrons to be prompted to change their password at the same time they are renewing their expired account.
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Add new database fields for Pronouns and Accessibility Needs to User table Not all institutions will want or be able to store this data, but these fields should be made available for those that do wish to store this information.
2 votes
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