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  1. Add User Expiration Date as an option for Customized Layout in 1-borrowing form, and 2-Check In From Lending Library batch screen.

    We'd like to be able to see the User Expiration Date in the client on the borrowing request form and the borrowing batch process "Check In From Lending Library." This would help us when assigning due dates and renewals (in case we need to truncate what the lending library offered), and may also determine where we send initial requests as well. At the moment, User Expiration Date is not in the list of fields to choose from when customizing layouts.

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  2. Increased Granularity in Web Circ Permissions by User

    I would like to be able to restrict available actions in Web Circ by user. I would like to restrict our circ desk account from being able to do anything other than check out items. I think essentially I'd like the customization keys to be available on a by-user basis.

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  3. Create a read-only/distributable form of dbc files or the SQL Alias Manager

    With SQL Alias Manager 1.3.2 staff with local admin privileges on their desktop or VM’s are no longer able to successfully Set Default (Local Machine) without also requiring Full Control privileges on the folder where the DBC’s reside.

    In a shared environment this is an issue because we wouldn't want everyone to have full read/write access to a shared folder where someone could potentially change a dbc file for every staff member. This wasn't an issue with SAM v1.2.2.

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  4. Allow Layout Modification for Queues/Flags that are Currently Empty

    It would be great to have some view in the client of all existing queues and flags, regardless of whether they currently have any requests in them, so that layout and customization of categories can be more thorough.

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  5. Make ILLiad Web Circulation's Checked out/in message more prominent

    The current message saying a book was checked in or out is too similar to the text already on the page, and our students never notice it and get confused as to whether a book has actually been checked out. If it was even just bold, in red, or a little bit larger font, it would stand out a lot more.

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  6. Allow borrowing items to be checked in by Web Circ if they are awaiting Renewal or Recalled Processing

    If items are in the "Awaiting Renewal Request Processing" (including "Awaiting Renewal OK Processing") or "Awaiting Recalled Processing" queues, they should be eligible for checkin via the Web Circ. As it stands, when patrons try to return books that are in one of those queues, they cannot be checked in and require intervention by ILL staff before they can be sent back.

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  7. 2 votes

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  8. Make the custom search condition add or subtract buttons visible all the time, not just when hovered over

    Please make the custom search condition add or subtract buttons visible all the time again, instead of only when you hover over them!

    I use custom search a lot both when searching OCLC for harder to find items, and when pulling statistics or answering questions from admin, and this change with 9.2 to no longer make these buttons visible makes things surprisingly difficult.

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  9. In the ILLiad scanning interface, allow function keys for B&W, grayscale, and RGB settings.

    The ILLiad scanning interface already allows use of a Quick Scan Key to initiate a scan, but it's highly cumbersome to still mouse into Settings and switch the dropdown back and forth between B&W, grayscale, and RGB within a request. Could you create a functionality so that staff can program keyboard function keys for each of those color settings and easily switch between them when scanning?

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  10. Restrict access to Policies Directory in Staff Manager

    We would like to restrict access to the Policies Directory in the ILLIad client by adding permission levels to staff users. Currently this link is available to any staff including student workers who are using the ILLiad client to process requests. We have recently had an issue with a student worker changing our Policies Directory without our knowledge.

    The change would inactivate or hide the link to the Policies Directory if the user's permissions did allow for that access.

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  11. 31 votes

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  12. Customize List of Queues in Route Button Dropdown List

    {Submitted by Kerry on behalf of customer}

    UC Boulder would like the ability to customize which queues appear and in which order they appear in the Routing button's dropdown list in the ILLiad Client. The site does not use many of the default queues that appear in the dropdown list and wishes that it was possible to make their more frequently used queues easier to access.

    They would like to be able to:

    General Wishes:
    *Suppress default queues.
    *Rearrange the order of all available queues, without the forced separation between default queues and custom queues.

    Unicorn wish:
    *Have the ability…

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  13. Add a refresh button to the ILLiad user - Requests tab.

    It would be nice if you could refresh the status and number of requests in an ILLiad user (request tab) without a close/reopen.

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  14. Turn off animations on Due Date calendar in Client

    When trying to change the due date in ILLiad using the built-in calendar, moving through the months using the arrows results in an animation, and you can’t scroll to the next month until the animation stops for the current month. It’s just a fraction of a second, but when we receive a generous renewal of several months, it’s an annoyance to have to wait for the animation before moving to the next month, rather than having the month load instantly as it does in many built-in calendars in other software/apps. (Workaround: I'll try to get in the habit of typing…

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  15. Routing Queue saved to Quick Access Toolbar should remain after logged out of ILLiad.

    Currently, routing queues added to the quick access toolbar disappear once someone logs out of ILLiad. It would be nice if the quick access toolbar saved any customization instead of having to added routing queue every time someone logs into ILLiad.

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  16. Sites should be limited to view Web Alerts to only those created by their staff

    For sites within a consortium, it would be a good idea to limit sites to view Web Alerts only to those created by their staff i.e. limit to view those created by their NVTGC.

    The delete option also should be restricted to the Web Alerts created by their own staff/NVTGC. Otherwise their is danger of the wrong alert (Alert of another institution) inadvertently getting deleted.

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  17. 5 votes

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  18. 4 votes

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  19. Allow Address number field change

    When a new lender address is created, an address number is automatically assigned and that number cannot be changed. Please allow that field to be edited in case we want to re-arrange the order of our addresses. Some addresses are used a lot more often and we want that to be 1 or 2 but cannot right now. Thank you.

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  20. ILLiad does not pull all data from Docline when an ISBN for a book is provided

    For example, the field will be "978-0". This leaves staff without entire citation and have to go back to Docline to retrieve it. It would be great if this were fixed

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