ILLiad Ideas
149 results found
Modify most requested journal web reports The current Web Report for Borrowing Most Requested Journals is looking at the ESPNumber to match multiple requests. Whereas, the default copyright query looks at the PhotoJournalTitle field. This causes confusion where there is discrepancy between to the 2 lists. It is also becoming more common to request items from a document provider resulting in a request without an ESPNumber.
1 vote -
Ability to make OCLC borrowing requests from a custom queue The functions to create an OCLC borrowing request are not available until the request is opened from the Awaiting Request Processing queue. It would be helpful to be able to create OCLC requests from a custom queue eliminating extra steps for processing items that might routed to a custom queue for review.
26 votes -
Support DOCLINE new ALERT when holding potentially owned Add support for Docline's new feature to show alert when a holding is potentially already owned.
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New ILLiad Document Type: E-Book Having a new document type of E-Book would help when doing custom reports.
24 votes -
Add a verification when cloning requests After clicking "Clone to Current User" have a pop-up window/box that asks "Are you sure you want to clone this request?" Several times I have accidentally cloned a request when I didn't mean to.
1 vote -
"Import" answered email from Outlook into email history of a request Currently we only see one side of a conversation in the email history of a request. It would be helpful to be able to import a response into ILLiad so we have a complete history in one place (as opposed to cutting-pasting into notes as we do now.)
26 votes -
Remove Patron Name Field in OCLC request When you submit a request through OCLC there is a field in Borrowing Information for the patron name. We have been deleting the patron name from this field for some time because we've found that it is sent to the lending library. If the library has a newer version of ILLiad, the patron name isn't sent, but if the lending library is on another system, it is. Removing this field would be an easy fix for patron privacy.
8 votes -
Time zones Let users of the client set their local time zone, so that it can be reflected in the History of requests
3 votes -
Create an alert to catch Connection Manager hangups. From ticket 887: It would be nice if you could develop some sort of alert to let you know that the server needs to be restarted. By the time I realize anything might be wrong things are already pretty bogged up.
Maybe something that allows an alert to check Connection Manager with no downloads in 2 or 4 hours or similar. Configurable per site due to volume variation. This would be for when Connection Manager is running but gets hung up for whatever reason and requests do not download from OCLC as they should.
9 votes -
Have the Patron ID number viewable on the request page. Currently, you can only see the patron's name, address, status, delivery methods on the patron tab in Borrowing. You have to use the "View User" button to access the patron's ID number. This would help eliminate a step when you need the ID number for accessing library accounts and fines in an ILS.
8 votes -
Printing Multiple Requests from a Queue--Simplify Process Ability to select and print multiple requests from a queue without having to navigate through the merge template process. While it is possible to use the Print Selected Requests option from the Process ribbon, the process requires manually opening a template and completing a merge process.
Ideally, the process would work like other batch printing processes where users are prompted to view/edit a word merge template.
6 votes -
Ability to have separate Lending constant data for different formats Ability to create separate Lending constant data for different formats. Life for example, only lend a/v for less time than a regular book and renewal versus non renewal. Then when update, click on a drop down menu for the constant data and scan in all items that apply, then process that queue. Then can do other formats the same way.
5 votes -
Add a back button to DOCLINE ribbon Add a Back button on docline ribbon. It is unclear that users can hit the backspace button - especially since this kind of functionality lends itself more to "browsing" so people might want to go back to a previous screen.
2 votes -
Lender Addresses with Invoices that are Active Lender Addresses linked to Invoices that are Active (even those marked Paid) cannot merge with another address. The only option currently is to manually change or delete invoices first. Please consider allowing Paid invoices to not be considered "Active
1 vote -
Add a 'Route to Borrowing' button to the Search Results ribbon for DD requests. Searches for Borrowing requests include two routing buttons in the upper ribbon, one for routing the request within borrowing, and a second to route the Borrowing request to DD.
It would be nice to see the reverse on the DD side: a button for routing within DD and a button to route to Borrowing. Currently you can only route DD requests to Borrowing one at a time by opening each individual request to access the routing to Borrowing button.
1 vote -
Enhance the MARC record display in WorldCat searching It would be great to add features from OCLC Connexion's MARC display to the display of MARC records in ILLiad. We'd like to see the value in 040 subfield b (language of cataloging) displayed in a column in search results to quickly narrow down the potential correct record for an item. It would also be really helpful to right-click on a MARC tag to go to the OCLC site for a definition of that field. Modeling the MARC display after the great features in Connexion would really help with efficient searching.
4 votes -
Allow multiple different email templates based on different reasons for Disavowing patrons from Patrons to Clear We've had a spate of local users accidentally filling out Proxy forms, as well as unaffiliated users trying to create accounts using the Proxy form. It would save a lot of time and confusion if we could select reasons and different pre-made disavow templates like we can elsewhere in ILLiad
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Ability to batch delete notes from a request Sometimes, when interacting with different pieces, the system will add hundreds of copies of the same note (usually one every ten minutes) before a staff person catches that it got stuck. Then, these many duplicate system notes make it hard to see actual relevant notes. Currently notes can only be deleted one at a time which is not at all feasible in these cases. It would be great to be able to select multiple notes on a request and delete them at the same time.
4 votes -
expanded off-times (lower case) flexibility. Copy RAPID's off-times where we can set off times by time as well as by date. We also had a need for a more immediate closure before the 24 hour limit where we had to close for a hurricane. It would have been nice to set the non-lender status closer to the event instead of putting it a day later.
6 votes -
Title in Borrowing Check In from Lending Library From the Check In from Lending Library screen you can update most of the information before checking in. For some reason you can't currently change the title without opening the request. This causes any changes that have been made to the request (due date, restrictions, special notes) to be lost. I need to change the title regularly to remove notes to the lending library that we often put in the title field. Being able to delete these notes from the Check In from Lending Library screen would be very helpful!
3 votes
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