ILLiad Ideas
149 results found
2 votes
Option to "Undo Conditional" We would love to have an option to "Undo Conditional" for those times when we realize too late that a conditional was unnecessary. This would be helpful if, for example, we send a "Non-circulating" conditional before realizing the request is for an article, or conditionalize for "Not as cited," then we find the citation. There are any number of situations where we may miss information in a request and send a conditional, then realize it was unnecessary. Even if this is only possible until the Connection Manager runs, it would be a very useful feature. Thanks!
3 votes -
Make barcodes more usable/searchable in the ILLiad client Expand the ItemNumber field in ILLiad to accommodate multiple barcodes for multi-volume sets. Add ItemNumber to the default Number search in the ILLiad ribbon for easy access. Add ItemNumber to fields searched by TN/ILL # search on Check Item In interface.
All of the above would allow more efficient handling of borrowing returns when paperwork with Transaction is missing.
17 votes -
5 votes
2 votes
2 votes
Add an automated password reset for staff ILLiad client passwords Allow staff to reset their own passwords when they forget them for the ILLiad client (similar to user password reset functions via web). "Forgot Password"? for the client interface rather than another staff person having to go into Staff Manager to reset it manually.
2 votes -
Ability to print selected pull slips Would love to print from different physical locations but need to be able to select which pull slips (or receives, or whatever!) should be pulled for printing, so that you do not disrupt work at another location.
10 votes -
Batch Add notes to requests It would be helpful to be able to select multiple requests then click a button on the ribbon saying "Add Note," which would then open a field to add a note to all highlighted requests. Having to open each request to add the same note repeatedly is unwieldy.
3 votes -
Add Note While Returning Books When I check items in to return them to their owning institutions, I often need to make a note in the request. Currently I can only do that by opening the request first. It would be nice if I could double-click in the notes field and add the note from the "Borrowing Check Item In" screen.
7 votes -
Check Routing rules after a TN is moved to a new status/queue via IDS Logic ILLiad does not apply routing rules to a TN if it was moved to its current status via an addon, like the IDS Logic addon for example.
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1 vote
1 vote
View item format on detail page It would be helpful to view an item's format in the Detail page of a request. We recently sent a music score instead of a sound recording because the titles were the same and no ISxN was given. We would love an option for the format to be visible in the Loan Info tab (preferable) or Item Information section.
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4 votes
Allow auto renewals for ILLiad requests by status and date settings A customer asked for this during the #ILLiad24 event at roundtable. Have an options for settings per time period like semester table in Ares to specify dates until which items can be renewed automatically. After that date items could be renew denied or manually processed. It would be nice to set this by status so that faculty could request renewals across semesters but students would need to return items by end of semester etc. Decision Support Pipeline and Business Rules can probably already make this work when the new renewal features are released.
3 votes -
Tag other ILLiad users in a staff note We can use flags and notes to ask other ILLiad staff users questions about a request, but it would be even simpler if we could include @PersonName in a staff note and notify them that they'd been tagged for review/response.
6 votes -
Save Customized Grids It would be incredibly helpful to be able to save grid layouts as .xml files in ILLiad to apply to other users or to other queues for the same user. It appears this is already supported in Aeon:
(I saw this suggested on the Ares Ideas area; this would be great for Ares as well.)2 votes -
1 vote
12 votes
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