Ares Ideas
240 results found
Include Tracking and History Tables in Export of multiple items I require the DateTime created and DateTime available for a set of a bunch of items. This is not a field in the standard reporting filter. and not exported data when exporting the filtered items.
Also frustrating to not be able to export all data within a item as a general solutions for any other fields other people might want that exist in the items but not in the parseable report fields.
recommended solution:
Include Tracking Table and History Table in Export of multiple items data.Thank you.
1 vote -
Ares client hosted To save time and energy and to have seamless client upgrades/fixes, the staff client should be cloud-based for hosted servers. Too much time is wasted upgrading every client workstation and making sure related software is also up to date.
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5 votes
Allow permalinks to course pages Currently, you can make permalinks to individual items but not the actual course pages. It would be helpful if you could link to the course pages as well.
4 votes -
Include a column for last flag added The new column would show the LastFlag added in the item grid and only display whichever flag name from the ItemFlags table that had the most recent date.
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Keep history with rightsholder instead of the most recent entry only We would like to see a history of the communications with the rightsholder. Right now, we can only upload one document, which makes it difficult in those situations where Publisher A says "we don't own it" and sends us to Publisher B. We can only upload the final email for Publisher B. The next time we ask permission for the item, the item still says Publisher A, but our records say Publisher B. We can add notes, but they are not searchable, and then we have to recreate the process all over again. Having the ability to upload multiple documents…
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Options besides 'Granted' or 'Denied' in Contact Rightsholder option In a Fair Use situation, for example, a rightsholder has died and we can use it fairly, but there was no formal permission granted. We would like to have an options such as "Fair Use" and/or "Good Faith" that will help indicate that copyright wasn't formally granted or denied, but that we have a reason to use this item that is within the law.
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Enable 'Course Not Configured' message to be editable Reference Atlas Systems ticket 36722
Currently, a message displays to users when reserves is not configured for a particular course (using Canvas integration, and possibly other LMS integrations). The message reads "This course has not yet been configured for Ares access. Please contact your instructor or system administrator about configuring this course for use with Ares." We would like this message to be editable/customizable. Per the ticket referenced above, this is not possible with the current Ares configuration.
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1 vote
SAML configuration in Ares Implement SAML in Ares like ILLiad 9.2 SAML features.
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1 vote
Deep Linking in LMS (i.e. Brightpace) Continue to process items in the Ares client, however the link would appear in the LMS, specifically in Brightspace under the weekly modules. Faculty would essentially have their notes, links, and readings under one specified module.
Users would not have to use the drop down link in Brightspace to access readings outside the LMS.
4 votes -
chromium Update the Google Scholar addon so that instead of using IE it uses chromium scripting. This would also have to happen in the client. IE is being completely decommissioned in June 2022
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Include submission date in Items table It would be nice to include the submission date as a field in the Items table. Currently, this is only a field in the History table and cannot be displayed in the results table when you run a search
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Integrate with social annotation tools such as Perusall or Hypothesis Add the ability to use social annotation tools on reserve documents uploaded through Ares similar to how Canvas allows annotation tools on uploaded files in a course.
5 votes -
Allow public search of books that are available at loans desk/reserve room It would be nice if Ares created a public list of books available in a reserve room (or at the loans desk) that students could search or consult without having to log into Ares. Here's an example (click on the "Browse" button):
6 votes -
Termination Date Some of our streaming resources have license dates that have to be tracked. we need to be able to track this information to make decisions about whether to renew licenses or not. Please add a date "license ends" date field for these scenarios.
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Add ability to increase font size in the client The font size in the client is very small and difficult for people who have visual impairment. But there doesn't seem to be a way to customize the font size in client options.
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Email templates: show instructor names as First Last (or separate first & last names entirely) rather than Last,First Starting in Ares 5.0, item-type email templates no longer draw from the User tags, and we must use either Course.Instructor or Course.InstructorDisplayName to insert an instructor's name in the email template. However, the default display for these fields is Last, First, so our emails now read "Dear Smith, Susan," rather than "Dear Prof. Smith" or "Dear Susan Smith" or "Dear Susan." Both Course.Instructor and Course.InstructorDisplayName show the same thing; if we change the display name in the course, both fields change. We'd like to be able to pull the instructor's name(s) into Item-type email templates as First Last (or separate…
4 votes -
Automatic routing and notification addon Have an automatic routing and notification addon similar to the ILLiad addon:
1 vote
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