Ares Ideas
240 results found
Need more granular staff permissions for the Ares client. This has been a pressing need for us for many years, and never seems to make it into the development priority list. Collections librarians, as well as learning/curriculum support librarians are constantly asking for access to the Ares client in order to understand what kinds of materials instructors in their subject area are adding to their course lists. But there is no way currently to provide client access without also giving access to user's information as well. Also, we really want them to have "view only" access - not to be able to change or delete materials that instructors have…
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End of Semester report to Instructors This came up at the Access Services Conference in 2017: It would be great to have one button that sends statistics for the semester to instructors like a 'end of semester report'. it would be a great marketing tool too, to share what the library supplied for their courses, how it was used, how much copyright was paid on their behalf maybe too.
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12 votes
12 votes
Being able to add individual items to multiple courses at one time, including instructor uploads Instructors would like to be able to add an item to multiple courses at the point they fill in the request form. For example, many of our faculty teach two or more sections of a course. Mid-semester they may add an additional article. After filling in the article form, it would be great if they could check off other current classes they'd like it added to at the same time. That way they do not have to go back and clone the item into each section.
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Ability to import citations from an Excel or Word document Submitted by ALA attendee: Many instructors drop off or email their syllabi. It would be nice if Ares could import the citations automatically from either Excel or by doing a screen scrape of a Word document, the way that Zotera does. This would save staff time on having to create requests from scratch.
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Want to have an ebook item icon vs just a weblink item icon for all links in the web Right now all weblinks use the same icon. But for Ebook items some sites mentioned at the Access Services conference that they would like ebooks to have their own icon vs just a weblink icon.
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Turnaround time report Way to see how quickly items are processed from submission by instructor to delivery by staff (pending or available).
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Option to store multiple documents for a single item This keeps the site from having to manually combine them into a new single document for storage with the item.
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Ability to batch remove users, courses, and items with a utility Some sites re-use usernames.
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Addons to make Reserve items available in the ILS from Ares At the Access Services Conference in 2017 there was a lot of interest in addons to make Reserve Items available on the ILS from Ares.
Maybe it could be possible to have some generic ones available in the Addon Directory or otherwise easier for sites to create that connection between their ILS and Ares?9 votes -
Ability to control where items route to when they are cloned on the client side Right now, physical items always route to 'Awaiting Reserves Processing' when they are cloned on the client side. It would be helpful if they could be routed to the same queue that the original items are in. This helps facilitate cloning that is done for courses that belong to the same semester.
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9 votes
Option for "save and add another" button on web for instructors This is a time saver for instructors
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ADA compliant staff client Staff would like to be able to change the size/font without the screens being squished. Currently, increasing the font size or resolution on Windows makes certain buttons and menu options not visible.
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8 votes
When importing items from another course, retain the custom sort order If you clone a course, it retains the sort order. But when a new course is created and then you try to import items from a previous course via the web, it loses the custom order.
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Way for users to request a rescan within the system There is no way for a user to request a rescan within Ares and allow for staff to correct it within the system.
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