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  1. Make copyright fees based on "clicks" versus enrollment

    Currently, Ares copyright through the CCC has fees based on enrollment in the course. That value can be determined by a number supplied for the course or actual Ares users signed up for the course.

    However, there is no guarantee that all of those users will click on the item and view it. Several sites have requested that Ares use the "pay per click" model of copyright fees so that they are only paying for actual views.

    It's possible that the per click payments could be higher than the "bulk rate" of course enrollment. I'm not clear if we could…

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  2. Allow staff to edit sort order from the client

    Currently, when an instructor adds materials from the web form, they are given a default sort order of 0*. When we add materials from the client side, they are given no sort order at all and there is no way to add them. This ultimately creates two lists of materials, the ones with no sort order and then the ones with a sort order of zero. There is no way of fixing this, short of deleting the materials added from the client and uploading them again from the web form.

    *When custom sort is enabled, the sort order will be…

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  3. Flag/re-route items with current status "Item Available on Electronic Reserve" that have a blank Location field.

    Occasionally an item with no URL or file will accidentally be routed to "Item Available on Electronic Reserve," for a variety of reasons. There should be a process that would run each day to flag these items or move them to an error queue so that they don't sit empty in a queue that appears to be finished.

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  4. Allow the Note field from the ItemNotes table to be chosen from the mail merge fields in print templates.

    We'd love to be able to include notes in our printed pull slips, but it's not an option that can be selected from the Insert Merge Field on the print template.

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  5. Custom Paramaters for LTI integration to allow links to individual reserves items

    At UMass Amherst we have an LTI integration between Moodle and Ares. Our support group gets frequent requests from faculty is to be able to link directly from Moodle to particular items in their Ares courses. It would be considerably more user-friendly to display a link in the LMS in the context of a week’s assignments rather than to have a single link to Ares (so that instructors then have to direct students to go find a particular resource in the eReserves items list for the course).

    According the the Moodle tool tips on the LTI setup page, it should…

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  6. Allow instructors to submit multiple requests at once

    How would sites like this to work? Would the instructor need to create an Excel file? Or would they paste a series of citations and staff would have to interpret them?

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  7. Would like to organize items in folders versus tags on the web

    Sites who used to use Docutek miss the option of organizing items in folders. Tags don't seem to be as desirable.

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  8. Allow for sorting by Article Title instead of Journal Title in the web

    Currently, Article Title is appended to the Journal Title field for displaying in the web, making it impossible to sort on instead of Journal Title.

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  9. Show which staff member added a user note

    Have an "added by" field for user notes like there is for item notes.

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  10. Option to rename and hide queue names for routing in staff client

    Perhaps, an enhancement is what we need to remove:
    Route to Acquisitions
    Recall Item
    Awaiting Acquisitions Notification
    Awaiting File Type Resolution
    Awaiting Recall Processing
    Awaiting ILL Processing – unless it can be edited to show as “In ILL Processing”

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  11. 4 votes

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  12. Enhance course cross-listing to include more course info and ExternalCourseIDs

    Currently, course cross listing only shows a name and is accessible by students searching for that cross listed course number/name and finding it under the other name. It's not clear to the student that both courses are the same.

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  13. 4 votes

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  14. Allow LTI to create course in Ares if a student clicks on it first

    LTI will create the course if an instructor clicks on the link but if a student clicks on the link it says "course not available - contact your instructor"

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  15. prevent unintentional duplicates when cloning, or make it more obvious that cloning is in progress

    Cloning many items can take several minutes and as instructors wait, they sometimes think something must have gone wrong with the process, so will start the process again, resulting in many duplicate items. We had an extreme case of items being cloned five times for a course with close to 200 items, resulting in about 1,000 items.

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  16. Add support for html tags inside Ares email templates

    Currently not supported but shouldn't be too difficult to implement

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  17. Deep links and cloning to subsequent semesters

    We would like deep links to Ares content which are imbedded in Canvas modules outside of reserve (pages, syllabi, etc.), to continue to work in Canvas in subsequent semesters if the course/items are reactivated in Ares for subsequent semesters. Canvas administrators have said that faculty would love this feature so they don't need to recreate the deep links for the same course/items each semester.

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  18. Ability to give subsets of students in the same course section access to different items in the reserves list.

    We have courses where students are assigned different readings (such as case studies) to work on in groups. We don't want to have to license a case study for all the students if only a subsection of the class needs to read a particular case.

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  19. Support LTI Names and Role Provisioning Services to bring full class lists

    Once Ares uses the LTI Names and Role Provisioning Services and asks the LMS for the entire class list on first contact complete enrollment records will be available with only the LTI integration and remove the dependency on loading records.,in%20the%20tool%20via%20APIs.

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  20. Ares client hosted

    To save time and energy and to have seamless client upgrades/fixes, the staff client should be cloud-based for hosted servers. Too much time is wasted upgrading every client workstation and making sure related software is also up to date.

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