Ares Ideas
20 results found
Allow multiple instructors for a class that have equal rights As an instructor I want to have co-instructors for my classes that are treated the same as me versus proxies so that students can find classes under either of us or we can have equal rights.
19 votes -
Allow staff to edit multiple items at once from any grid Multi-select items and change any field to a new value. For example set the shelf location to "Stacks" for 5 various items without opening the records.
Also need to figure out what fields aren't allowed to be edited this way and prevent that.
13 votes -
Way to clone several items into multiple courses (sections) at once They have course designers contact them telling them they want course so and so set up with the items from last fall and there will be a ton of sections of that new course. So staff pull up one of the old courses, and select all the items and clone them all into each of the new courses one by one, which is very tedious.
Maybe there could be a better way to apply a shared list to a whole bunch of courses at one time?
Maybe there could be a way to create a shared list by cloning a…13 votesThis request for a way to clone several items into multiple courses at once was fulfilled with the release of Ares 5.0 Release notes with details are available in our documentation:
Thank you for your support.
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead -
Web users can't click on the row but it looks like they can. Ideally, if they click on the row and not the link at the left most column, it should default to "View Item"
13 votesThank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. This request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release. For more details, please see the Release Notes: and contact Atlas to schedule your update.
Don't show "edit" option in web if instructor isn't allowed Right now it takes the instructor back to the home page with an error message versus just not allowing that link to show in the first place.
7 votesThank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. This request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release and is part of the new, default Item menu. This menu can be downloaded as part of the Ares 4.7 default web pages, but shouldn’t be uploaded until after you’ve completed the update (
For more details about Ares 4.7, please see the Release Notes: and contact Atlas to schedule your update.
Hide "View this item" link for physical reserve items On the Item Info page, it shows a link for this but it doesn't go anywhere.
7 votesThank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. This request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release and is part of the new, default Item menu. This menu can be downloaded as part of the Ares 4.7 default web pages, but shouldn’t be uploaded until after you’ve completed the update (
For more details about Ares 4.7, please see the Release Notes: and contact Atlas to schedule your update.
Addons to use Chrome, Firefox, or other browsers Currently, the Ares addons default to emulating IE 7. A registry key was added in version 4.4 to default it to now emulate IE 8 if it is installed on the workstation. Otherwise it will emulate IE 7.
There is currently no way to get the addons to use Chrome, Firefox, or other browsers.
IE is an obsolete browser and many websites don't work optimally in that browser. It would be best to be able to open links from the addons into the user's default browser.
6 votesThank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. We’re happy to report that the newest version of Ares (4.7) now provides support for the Chromium browser in the add-on system. For more details about Ares 4.7, please see the Release Notes: and contact Atlas to schedule your update.
Remove Date Needed By when cloning/importing When cloning requests in the client and importing from the web, the Date Needed By clones along with citation information. However, this date is useless since it is from a prior semester; moreover, it causes problems when calculating the number of requests filled by the instructor's Date Needed By (an important metric for assessing service). This date should not clone/import with the rest of the information. Or at the very least, institutions should be able to choose whether this clones (or not).
5 votesThank you for your feedback. This request was released with Ares 4.7.
Allow export of saved custom searches Currently, only a newly created custom search allows you to export to Excel. Add the export option to saved & loaded custom searches.
5 votesThank you for your vote in UserVoice. This request was included in the 4.7 Ares release.
Automate update of client(s) during system update It would save a great deal of time during the update process to have the update of the clients included/automated. IT staff would not have to take further time after the main update to update individual machines (which can get quite numerous, the more staff that are involved in ares functions). thx:)
4 votesThe Auto-updater was implemented during the v5.0 release. For details see the v5.0 release notes:
Thank you for your support.
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead -
Create CourseInfo1-5 fields, similar to the ItemInfo1-5 fields There is a need for some additional fields on the course form that can be used to track local information, similar to the ItemInfo1-5 fields in the item form. Some of the info we like to track is specific to entire courses, not just individual items. Such as, whether there is a required textbook for the course.
Also, it would be great if some of the unassigned fields could have drop-down menus enabled (like the Nature of Work field in the item form).
4 votesThank you for your support of the “Create CourseInfo 1-5 fields” in UserVoice. This feature was released as part of the Ares 4.7 update.
Track history entries in a way that allows routing rules to apply to "Item cloned from..." Allow routing rules to apply to the "Item cloned from ..." history entry by adding that history immediately after routed to "Submitted via Cloned Course."
2 votesThis request was fulfilled with the release of Ares 5.0 Release notes with details are available in our documentation:
Thank you for your support.
Kerry Keegan
Ares Product Lead -
prevent staff from accidentally removing URLS from lots of items at once If you edit a URL to correct something it will sync those values. But if you delete the URL accidentally, you can no longer find all the items that used to have that URL and are now blank.
2 votes -
Remove chat feature from web interface If no sites are using this feature, it could be removed. Please speak up if you are using this feature.
2 votes -
Copy CourseValidation information to courses created via LTI This site is setting up LTI and they have CourseUser Loads. They were wondering if a user and a course were created via LTI, would it pull over their information from the validation tables?
First, I found that if a user has validation information in the UserValidation table that is not specifically mapped in the LTIFieldMappings table (like phone, address information, etc), it WILL bring in that information from the UserValidation table during the user creation process when they come in via the LTI link.
However, I also found out that Course information that is in CourseValidation will NOT carry…
2 votesThank you for your participation and support of this UserVoice story. We’re happy to report that this request has been included in the Ares 4.7 release and information sent during Course loads can now update courses created via LTI. For more details about Ares 4.7, please see the Release Notes: and contact Atlas to schedule your update.
alma barcode lookup addon Add both ShelfLocation and PubDate to the Ares Alma Barcode Lookup addon by default. Right now these can be added by adding this code to the DataMapping.lua file:
--start snip here
table.insert(DataMapping.FieldMapping["Ares"], {
MappingName = "Location",
ImportField = "Item.ShelfLocation",
ObjectType = "item",
ObjectMapping = "location"
});table.insert(DataMapping.FieldMapping["Ares"], {
MappingName = "PubDate",
ImportField = "Item.PubDate",
ObjectType = "item",
ObjectMapping = "dateofpublication"
-- end snip hereand then adding ",Location,PubDate" to the end of the list of fields in the Fields to Import setting in Manage Addons.
1 voteNew addon version is available in Ares Addons Directory as of 3/2/2020.
Modify the web DLL to allow it to run from one physical location If a site has multiple sets of web pages (for remote auth, CMS, etc.) it can be difficult to remember to replace the Ares.DLL file in each of those folders. This change will have all of those web directories use a single copy of the Ares.DLL file.
1 vote -
Automatically Install log4d.props Install the log4d.props file automatically with the Ares server installer.
1 vote -
Add support for at rest encryption of the import data used for Course and User loads The data is transferred in encrypted format but then lives on the server in plain text currently. This would support the file being encrypted and decrypted as needed by the System Manager.
1 vote -
Improve efficiency of GroupItem tag on courses with a large number of items When the course info page is displayed on a course with a large number of items it takes a considerable amount of time to load the page.
1 vote
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