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  1. Connection Manager uses a database/server time delta that is never updated

    The time delta used by the Connection Manager is not updated and is wrong in cases where the database time and server time do not change at the same rate. For example, in the case of a UTC server with an EST database, the database time will change when DST begins and ends, but the UTC server time will not update accordingly.

    Bug# 10835

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  2. Special characters in OCLCILLPassword not being escaped

    Special characters that are restricted in URLs (such as '&') entered in the OCLCILLPassword key are not being escaped, causing articles to fail to send when using Article Exchange and "Index was outside the bounds of the array" errors to display in the WebPlatform and Client logs.

    Bug# 10687

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  3. Web report dates cache incorrectly

    Numbers in Lending Fill Rates and Lending Requests Received by SystemID and numbers in DocDel Fill Rates and DocDel Finished and Cancelled aren't matching up in the web reports. This is because dates are incorrectly caching by date and time rather than solely by date. This leads to the report grabbing an incorrect number of requests for a given range of dates if the start date or end date gets a time included.

    Short-term workaround: Clear the cache to make sure the dates don't change.

    Bug# 10598

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  4. Docline Login with Google authentication is not working

    Google Authentication for Docline is not working properly in ILLiad 9.1. This is causing users to receive script errors or a message indicating the browser is not secure when logging in. The issue is a result of a conflict with Google's authentication. If you're experiencing issues with using a Google account, there are several other supported login methods.

    See this article for information about the different login methods supported:

    See this article to learn how to change your login method:

    Bug# 10417

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  5. Persist Settings bug if a search group is not selected

    The "Error saving z39.50 persistent settings to registry" occurs if you don't have a default Z39.50 Search Profile/Configuration and open the request form.

    Bug# 10020

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  6. FormClearUser doesn't populate Yes/No values for ElectronicDelivery field

    The ElectronicDelivery field on the Clear User form does not have any default or selectable values in the dropdown, but will accept Yes or No if manually typed in.

    Bug# 10281

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  7. 0 votes

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  8. hangeUser Button Alignment

    The alignment for the buttons at the bottom of ChangeUserInformationare set to be right-aligned by default. For consistency, these need to be left-aligned like in the NewRegistration page.

    Bug# 7683

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  9. Duplicate form submission does not work under remote authentication

    Remote auth validation does not load the user's reported session id, duplicate form submissions aren't being prevented.

    Bug# 9013

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  10. Webreports login crashes with wrong Username

    The debug web reports log doesn't show anything for the crash, just stops logging.

    See attached screenshot for an example error message.

    Bug# 7688

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  11. Order of Web Alerts

    There is no specific ordering that determines the way the web alerts appear within the client.

    Bug# 6725

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  12. 0 votes

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    0 comments  ·  OCLC  ·  Admin →
  13. Long Routing Matchstring (e.g., over 40,000 characters) Disappears Visually

    When copying and pasting a long matchstring (e.g., over 40,000 characters) into the Customization Manager, the match string will disappear after clicking out of the field and then saving. The matchstring will still work; however, you won't be able to see the entire matchstring in the field.

    Bug# 4649

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  14. Disposing Article Exchange Processor error

    The Odyssey Manager does not correctly dispose of its ArticleExchangeProcessor after processing Article Exchange due to the ILLiadOdysseyManagerHost.ArticleExchangeTimerTimer functionality.

    Bug# 5454

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    0 comments  ·  Odyssey Manager  ·  Admin →
  15. ServerVariable support for RemoteAuth and Authentication Enhancments

    The RemoteAuthValidation would prevent the ILLiad web DLLs from looking at IIS server variables when determining remote authentication details, such as the username.

    Bug# 5021 & 5021

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    0 comments  ·  Authentication  ·  Admin →
  16. 0 votes

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  17. Documents can't be delivered electronically, or get stuck in a electronic delivery queue/workflow because of corrupt PDF files

    Files that are corrupt can't be retrieved through ILLiad and can potentially cause the client to crash or freeze until the client has been restarted. If the corrupt files were found, canceled, or delivered manually, they will need to be manually updated in the OdysseyRecieved table once the client has been restarted.

    Bug# 4727

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    0 comments  ·  Staff Client  ·  Admin →
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  19. Null reference exception if unknown user attempts login

    When a staff member attempts to login to the web reports with a username that does not exist as a staff account, they will receive a null reference due to the log entry.

    Bug# 4833

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  20. Routing in Scripting can be overwritten by SaveDataSource

    In an ILLiad addon:

    When you make changes to transaction fields, route the transaction and then SaveDataSource it will undo the Route action.

    Workaround: This can be avoided by saving before routing.

    Bug# 4681

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