ILLiad Ideas
515 results found
1 vote
Combine Lending billing for multiple NVTGs
U Pitt has a remote storage location that shares an OCLC symbol but has its own NVTGC to allow for unique workflow requirements. We need the ability to process invoices for both sites at once, rather than duplicating the process, since the purpose of the remote storage facility is to support requests sent to the primary site, rather than function as its own entity.
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Additional options in the Lending Overdues ribbon
It would be very helpful to have the Lending Overdues ribbon have the options that various queues have: Export, Add Flag, etc.
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Do not move MailToAddress transactions to Awaiting Customer Contact when patron is blocked or item is Library Use Only
At present, if a patron is set to HoldForPickup, checked in Loan requests go to In Transit to Pickup Location and can be moved to Awaiting Customer Contact manually or via routing rule while if a patron is set to MailToAddress checked in Loan requests go directly to Awaiting Customer Contact.
This is fine for the majority of materials, but not ideal for items that are restricted to In Library Use Only (which we will not mail to patrons regardless of their preference) or for items for Blocked patrons (who need to return materials before we'll send items again).
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Develop pathway for ILLiad stub accounts to complete registration when RemoteAuth (particularly EZproxy) is in use.
Desired behavior: Patrons authenticated via RemoteAuth (EZproxy) who begin but do not complete registration can subsequently return to registration with their data populated from the latest info in the UserValidation table.
We use RemoteAuth for patrons to authenticate via EZproxy, and change implemented in order to preserve user PINs during the ILLiad 9.0 upgrade. We also do a daily upload to the UserValidation table that includes just those patrons who are eligible for ILL service. This table populates the NewAuthRegistration form so they can successfully submit registration and access ILLiad.
When users authenticate via RemoteAuth before they have been added…
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Update the Primo New UI addon
The Primo New UI addon can cause the ILLiad client to crash. The addon appears to be running endless in the background, building up processes that eventually cause a memory error forcing the ILLiad client to crash.
One way to cut down on these crashes is to turn the auto-search function off for the addon, and to reboot the client once or twice a day.
Note: because this is a custom addon not developed by Atlas Systems, we don't officially support it. We are looking into ways for making this more clear in the documentation, but if there is enough…
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Add the ability to customize elements on the Detail Page based on request status
We would like the ability to customize what elements/fields display to the user on the Request Detail page. We use custom queues for certain requests and do not want the Due Date to display in the detail view for requests in those queues.
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Copy Layout & Grid Settings - Separate Borrowing, Doc Del, and Lending
In the Staff Manager, please adjust the granularity of the Copy Layout & Grid Settings by Borrowing, Doc Del, and Lending. If I make major changes to the Borrowing layout, I'd like to be able to copy those changes to the relevant student employees & staff, but not overwrite their layouts in DocDel and Lending. It would be very helpful if we could indicate which layouts to change and which to retain in these different areas of ILLiad.
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Clear browser cache
Grant us the ability to clear previously entered browser data and the web cache within the "Docline request web browser window" in the illiad client, perhaps at the very least add a back button?
This lack of functionality can be particularly problematic with Docline's new multipath sign-on feature. A user in the illiad client could enter a "valid" login, like say their facebook, google, or institution's SSO credentials, which would pass thru the gateway, but still wouldn't be authorized with Docline. Locking them out docline but having no easy way to change their credentials to the "correct" login.
So far…
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Allow WebAlerts to be set based on User LoanDeliveryMethod
WebAlerts can currently be set by a number of useful keys, like DeliveryLocation (which NVTGC code a user has set as pickup location).
Like many libraries, we are greatly increasing mail to home options due to COVID-19, and the majority of our classes being remote in the fall, and are using Users.LoanDeliveryMethod.
I'd love to be able to give special messages to patrons depending on whether they have marked LoanDeliveryMethod MailToAddress or HoldForPickup. For those being mailed, I want to remind them to update their address; for those picking up, there may be changes iin hold shelf protocol.
Thanks for…
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Reprints Desk addon monitor Awaiting Unfilled
Would like the Reprints Desk Addon(s) to automatically
pull items from Awaiting Unfilled Processng & cancel the OCLC request if filled by RD.1 vote -
Support borrowing patrons sending items directly back to lending library
Implement an option to make a shipping label for the patron send the item directly back to lending library and supporting workflows and updates in ILLiad.
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Add Information to the coversheet
It would be nice to have the patron's name, transaction number, part of the citation, and fee added to the cover sheet. This would useful for the people who are not part of the university to keep track of the fees.
I usually add the fee in the note section, but creating a separate field and allowing the user to have a PDF of the request with the fee on it would also be helpful.1 vote -
Make Lending article requests trigger the LendingRequestCheckOut system event hook.
Given that the corresponding event hook for Doc Del is triggered for article requests, this may be a longstanding bug. As of 9.1.1 the LendingRequestCheckOut event hook isn't triggered for article requests when they are marked found. I've been working around it by using the Route event hook.
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Symphony Circ Addon Complete Transaction Upon Check-In
Add ability for the Symphony API add-on to complete an additional transaction upon check-in, (checking the item in within Symphony, which would push it into transit to the hold location).
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Status-Specific changeuserinformation form Validation
on behalf of New Mexico State Library: We would like the ability to have a status-specific ChangeUserInformation form validation. As a referral center for our state, small libraries throughout the state have ILLiad user records to place requests that we process on their behalf. We would like to require different user information on those user records than we require for our other patrons who are individuals working in state government.
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Modify most requested journal web reports
The current Web Report for Borrowing Most Requested Journals is looking at the ESPNumber to match multiple requests. Whereas, the default copyright query looks at the PhotoJournalTitle field. This causes confusion where there is discrepancy between to the 2 lists. It is also becoming more common to request items from a document provider resulting in a request without an ESPNumber.
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Change when billing occurs
Currently, when the lender updates a request to ship, the borrower is automatically charged. This creates problems when items are never received or the wrong item is shipped. The borrower should have an option to indicate that the item was never received or the wrong item was shipped and not be charged through IFM in such situations.
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Add ability to track sent email copies by template
It would be helpful to know which email templates were being used and which are not. There is currently no mechanism to track outgoing notifications by ID. University of Washington would use this information to remove unused or infrequently used templates, to reduce the amount of options in the notifications drop down.
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Support DOCLINE new ALERT when holding potentially owned
Add support for Docline's new feature to show alert when a holding is potentially already owned.
1 vote
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