ILLiad Ideas
524 results found
Add the ability to anonymize ILLiad transactions There have been requests for a tool to allow sites to anonymize ILLiad transactions similar to the old break the user link scripts. Would like to be able to preserve stats while maintaining confidentiality for patrons.
11 votes -
Add Captcha challenge to login and password reset pages Captcha might prevent the recent scripted logins which are resulting in fraudulent lending requests.
1 vote -
ILLiad / Aeon integration - ability to send a note with the request When sending a request from ILLiad to Aeon, we can only send the request and information in the fields. It would greatly improve communication if we could add a Note to the request when sending it (similar to a Conditional or Cancellation message).
2 votes -
Adjust note fields to fit content I always have to adjust the column width of the notes in ILLiad so that I can actually read the notes. ILLiad should adjust the width automatically to fit the content so that the Note Date and Added By fields are only wide enough for that data and the actual Note field is wide enough to allow staff to read the notes. Specifically I need to look at the notes when returning borrowed items, but this feature would be helpful on every screen.
2 votes -
Add a button or link to get addons from the client Like the "Get Add-ins" button in Outlook, it would be nice to have more visibility in ILLiad for the addons that directly links folks to the addon directory in the docs.
4 votes -
Provide a tool to map CIP codes for departments for reporting The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completions activity.
1 vote -
Create an addon that will allow ILLiad users to access the ILLiad training resources from within the client Addon to allow connection from within client to docs, community & support portals, training resources
4 votes -
Find a way to remove duplicate odyssey articles Sometimes folks have lots of extra articles cluttering up the Odyssey Received folder. Would be nice to have some way of identifying duplicates and removing after a user specified time.
2 votes -
Bring back the autofill when typing in notes ILLiad used to autofill notes that had already been used in the current session. You could just type the first few letters and the note would come up.
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Adjust API to allow non-boolean values to be posted into the Rush field. After working with the developers, it was discovered that the BillingServiceLevel table determines the dropdown options for the Rush field in the Transactions table, but the API can only take Yes or No values when creating a transaction. We would like the API to take the same values that are possible using the web and staff client.
1 vote -
Re-design how RUSH requests are auto-routed and assign service level Lending to Rush University (Docline symbol ILURUS/OCLC symbol IDL) and every request comes into the Awaiting RUSH Request Processing queue inaccurately assigning a service level to Docline tickets that don't have that service level. Ticket 5397
9 votes -
Remove editing options for admin Lending and Unmatched user accounts. Johns Hopkins had a mishap where the Lending user for one of the shared server sites had its NVTGC changed in the Location dropdown in the Staff Client. This moved all of the site's Lending requests into the other site's view. Perhaps we could consider removing the ability to edit the "Lending User" accounts and the Unmatched accounts.
2 votes -
Ability to delete and correct pdf - same as tif images Ex. Borrower received article on 7/13 and that one was delivered to web, but then they received it again on 7/16 from the same lender. That time it was a duplicate, and it was stuck at 'unmatched' in the OdysseyReceived table in the database, so every time they hit Electronic Delivery it would come in for them to match it and deliver it.
Usually if a site receives a wrong TIF file that is unmatched, they should use the "delete all" button in the electronic delivery screen in the client. That will change the OdysseyReceived table entry to "Deleted" and…
5 votes -
Client fields for Transaction vs Database Fields - all should be available There are several fields in the Transactions table of the ILLiad database that show up on the Borrowing Request form, but not on the Check in from Lending Library form, or vice versa. Examples: "Priority Shipping" shows up on Borrowing Request form, but not Check In form "Handle With Care" shows up on Check In form, but not Borrowing Request form. These items also do not show up on the list of fields available when customizing form layouts. Is there another way to add them to a form? If not, is there a reason for this inconsistency?
User would like…5 votes -
Installing : Default "unchecked" for opening SQL Manager for small point releases Would anyone else like to avoid this when doing "small point" updates to clients?
When we have small point updates for ILLiad the last step in the process opens the SQL Manager window, unless you uncheck a box on the “Finish” screen, it also (sometimes) does not replace the ILLiad icon on the Taskbar.
For larger updates, full versions, ILLiad usually has a script that skips (or pre-unchecks) that box and also replaces the icon on the Taskbar.
In cases here, the SQL Manager window opened and not everyone knows what to do with that (some staff, students are thrown…
1 vote -
Additional location tracking to prevent human error. When a lender mistakenly ships something without updating it in ILLIAD, it can often be missed on the borrowing side as well leading to confusion when additional items arrive and libraries not receiving compensation. This is a human error but if there was a software side way to help prevent this it would help high volume users.
1 vote -
Unfilled request process not canceling the OCLC request Check for any conditionals in the history. If a condition is denied from the last lender, the request will automatically update to unfilled. If the user then immediately creates a new OCLC request from the open request, the process to remove the existing OCLC request will not run. The work-around is to close the request after responding to the condition and open the request from the Awaiting Unfilled Processing queue. This behavior is similar to the Awaiting Request Processing queue where the options to create an OCLC request will only appear if the request is opened from the queue.
12 votes -
Make OpenURL smarter to ignore possible blank values If a string has a blank value for a field, skip using that field in favor of a later one that does contain a value.
26 votes -
Staff don't get notified about blocked users when checking in items It also doesn't tell staff that a user was automatically unblocked after returning overdue items.
27 votes -
Scan button too close to Article Exchange button leading to missends Scan button too close to Article Exchange button leading to missends
5 votes
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