ILLiad Ideas
515 results found
Combine Lending billing for multiple NVTGs
U Pitt has a remote storage location that shares an OCLC symbol but has its own NVTGC to allow for unique workflow requirements. We need the ability to process invoices for both sites at once, rather than duplicating the process, since the purpose of the remote storage facility is to support requests sent to the primary site, rather than function as its own entity.
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Encrypt Passwords in Customization Manager
Having an email password in plain text available to anyone with Customization Manager rights is a security risk.
3 votes -
Batch Add notes to requests
It would be helpful to be able to select multiple requests then click a button on the ribbon saying "Add Note," which would then open a field to add a note to all highlighted requests. Having to open each request to add the same note repeatedly is unwieldy.
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Additional options in the Lending Overdues ribbon
It would be very helpful to have the Lending Overdues ribbon have the options that various queues have: Export, Add Flag, etc.
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Do not move MailToAddress transactions to Awaiting Customer Contact when patron is blocked or item is Library Use Only
At present, if a patron is set to HoldForPickup, checked in Loan requests go to In Transit to Pickup Location and can be moved to Awaiting Customer Contact manually or via routing rule while if a patron is set to MailToAddress checked in Loan requests go directly to Awaiting Customer Contact.
This is fine for the majority of materials, but not ideal for items that are restricted to In Library Use Only (which we will not mail to patrons regardless of their preference) or for items for Blocked patrons (who need to return materials before we'll send items again).
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Recalled-overdue OCLC status should move to Awaiting Recall Processing
When a borrowing TN has the OCLC status "Received-Overdue" and is subsequently recalled by the lender, the TN doesn't move. It should change to the Awaiting Recalled Processing queue so that staff knows it was recalled.
4 votes -
Develop pathway for ILLiad stub accounts to complete registration when RemoteAuth (particularly EZproxy) is in use.
Desired behavior: Patrons authenticated via RemoteAuth (EZproxy) who begin but do not complete registration can subsequently return to registration with their data populated from the latest info in the UserValidation table.
We use RemoteAuth for patrons to authenticate via EZproxy, and change implemented in order to preserve user PINs during the ILLiad 9.0 upgrade. We also do a daily upload to the UserValidation table that includes just those patrons who are eligible for ILL service. This table populates the NewAuthRegistration form so they can successfully submit registration and access ILLiad.
When users authenticate via RemoteAuth before they have been added…
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7 votes
Allow auto renewals for ILLiad requests by status and date settings
A customer asked for this during the #ILLiad24 event at roundtable. Have an options for settings per time period like semester table in Ares to specify dates until which items can be renewed automatically. After that date items could be renew denied or manually processed. It would be nice to set this by status so that faculty could request renewals across semesters but students would need to return items by end of semester etc. Decision Support Pipeline and Business Rules can probably already make this work when the new renewal features are released.
3 votes -
Multi-language support for ILLiad Patron Web Interface
Please provide multi-language support for ILLiad web pages or a Spanish language web interface option.
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Web Interface for the Staff Manager and Customization Manager
A web interface that combines the features of the Customization Manager and Staff Manager in one place.
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Billing for lost items
Ability to create an individual invoice for lost items and have the Billing Manager handle billing for one-off invoices.
7 votes -
Save Customized Grids
It would be incredibly helpful to be able to save grid layouts as .xml files in ILLiad to apply to other users or to other queues for the same user. It appears this is already supported in Aeon:
(I saw this suggested on the Ares Ideas area; this would be great for Ares as well.)2 votes -
4 votes
Allow Address number field change
When a new lender address is created, an address number is automatically assigned and that number cannot be changed. Please allow that field to be edited in case we want to re-arrange the order of our addresses. Some addresses are used a lot more often and we want that to be 1 or 2 but cannot right now. Thank you.
12 votes -
Permissions for Electronic Delivery Utility
University of Pittsburgh would like more control over access to the Electronic Delivery Utility, particularly in reference to billing features. Please consider tiered permissions that limit individual staff use and limit the ability to skip or adjust automatic billing totals.
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Allow staff to customize which transaction statuses are displayed under each heading in the patron interface
I would like more customizable display options for transaction statuses in the patron interface. For example, once a patron clicks the "Renew" button, the request disappears from their checked out items list until the renewal is processed and routed back to checked out to customer. I would like items in the Renewed by patron status to also appear under the checked out heading.
We use a lot of custom queues and would like to be able to manage where requests display in the patron interface.
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Import ILL into Alma without Checking In
Sometimes when I check in an item from a lending library, I receive an NCIP error that causes a loan to not be automatically imported into Alma. After I fix whatever caused the error, I currently have to check the item in again. This messes up the tracking and can cause an OCLC error. It would be nice if there was an option to only import the request without updating the status in ILLiad and OCLC.
2 votes -
Change to the redirect of a user when they Register in the pages of another nvtgc
If a user registers to ILLiad (specifically via the NewAuthRegistration.html) in the wrong nvtgc site's pages, during the dll redirect to the right nvtgc pages the UserNotifications entries are not added for the user. The dll log does show that entries are being added but it appears this is written to the log even when the entries have been skipped over.
2 votes -
Update the Primo New UI addon
The Primo New UI addon can cause the ILLiad client to crash. The addon appears to be running endless in the background, building up processes that eventually cause a memory error forcing the ILLiad client to crash.
One way to cut down on these crashes is to turn the auto-search function off for the addon, and to reboot the client once or twice a day.
Note: because this is a custom addon not developed by Atlas Systems, we don't officially support it. We are looking into ways for making this more clear in the documentation, but if there is enough…
1 vote
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