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  1. Allow routing rules to add a flag to an item but leave it in the same status

    Allow routing rules to place a flag on an item while keeping it in the same queue. Right now if you try to do that, it routes the item into a queue with the name of the flag instead of actually adding a flag and leaving it in the same status.

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  2. Flag items with user notes

    When an instructor/proxy puts a user note in the online request forms, flag these requests with "User Note" or something similar, but keep them in the current queue. (This could be done in tandem with 17708071, which asked for the items grid to indicate when there is a user note.) Our instructors (unsurprisingly!) think that when they write a note, we are alerted to their note, but in many cases we never see the note, especially if they add the link or upload the PDF themselves.

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  3. Explain how you are meeting WCAG 2.0 (A/AA)

    Provide explanations on how you are implementing each of WCAG 2.0 (A/AA) success criteria. ("To meet 2.4.3 'Focus order' on each page we are using technique G59...")

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  4. Check out feature for instructor owned items

    Currently, the majority of our physical reserves are faculty copies that we have to add as temporary items to our ILS. This causes all manner of problems for our catalogers and for ILL (as we get a number of requests for these items). However, if Ares had a system very similar to the one in ILLiad that allows us to check in items from other libraries, I feel this would solve that problem. In ILLiad, we check a book from a lending library in using the ILL number, and a slip prints out with our TN, allowing us to scan…

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  5. Allow for multiple LMS/CMS field-mappings with different params

    Many sites have multiple CMS/LMS integrated with Ares. Sometimes they require different params to match to important Ares fields. For example, one site uses Moodle, Schoology and Blackboard. Moodle is unable to add a custom param that pulls from the database. They're using the userid param for the username, but both Blackboard and Schoology's userid values do not match up to the Moodle user_id. They're faced with either a complicated username conversion or just allowing users to end up with multiple accounts, one for each LMS. (Luckily they won't have much overlap, but it will probably happen to…

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  6. Workaround security issues with edge browser in hosted LMS environment

    The MS Edge browser has become particularly stringent in enforcing security matters. In particular, when using Canvas (hosted) with an in-domain Ares server through LTI Edge will sometimes refuse to display the Ares interface. This has been confirmed while working with Angela. The workaround to move the Ares server is somewhat undesirable, as is reminding users to use a different browser.

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  7. Prompt instructors for Date Needed by when importing/cloning requests

    The Date Needed By field provides important data for managing workflow and assessing quality of service provided by Reserves staff (i.e., what percentage of requests are filled by this date). We require this field when instructors submit new requests and would like to also require (or at least prompt for it) when importing requests from a prior course. Currently the Date Needed By from prior semesters clone, which isn't useful for managing workflow or for assessing service.

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  8. Create simple hierarchy in Rightsholder tables

    Allow for parent-child relationships in Rightsholder to better manage the relationships that we realistically have with publishers (i.e. better tracking and management of publisher mergers and acquisitions). It would also help reporting on publishers because there would be an established relationship I could query against.

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    2 comments  ·  Copyright  ·  Admin →
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  9. Add "merge" functionality Rightsholder Maintenance.

    Currently there is essentially no good way to maintain duplicate records in Rightsholder Maintenance. I want to be able to merge duplicate records so that I can eliminate duplicates that have occurred because of staff turnover throughout the years without losing the copyright history on the rightsholder.

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  10. Search by tags

    Would like to be able to search the Instructor Tags field in the staff client
    --submitted on behalf of Johns Hopkins University

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  11. Spell check within Client

    Spell check indicator in the client to flag words that are misspelled.
    --submitted on behalf of Johns Hopkins

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  12. Add crosslistings to custom course search results

    We include crosslistings in course counts for statistics and it would be helpful to see CourseNumber and CourseCode for crosslistings displayed in custom course search results in the client. Thanks!

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  13. Using virtual flags with courses

    Being able to add a virtual flag to an item is really helpful. There are times when I wish I could flag a course as well. For example, sometimes work on a course starts before the actual course instructor is hired and we need to make sure to go back and replace a staff or generic username with the instructor once we have their information. Also, when courses are cloned ahead of time before the new schedule of classes is published, we sometimes have to change the course code (section numbers) so that our script adds students to the course…

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  14. Upgrade cross listings to allow Ares to combine cross-listed courses and sections

    Currently, when two course pages are generated by imported course and user data, instructors sometimes must add materials separately for each section. For example, for PHIL/RELI101, some students sign up for PHIL101 and others for RELI101. When this happens, the data generate PHIL101 as one course and RELI101 as a separate course, which means that the instructor must upload the materials for one listing and then for another. There is a similar issue with classes with multiple sections. It would be very convenient if the cross listing feature would set things up so that any action done in one connected…

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  15. 9 votes

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  16. Show item usage count from custom search

    Make it a part of the custom search but not in every grid result in the client.

    Sites seem to want this for reporting purposes versus processing.

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  17. Show usage count in grid of items on clone course form

    When viewing items in a course to decide which ones to clone to a new course, seeing the item usage is helpful.

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  18. 21 votes

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  19. 8 votes

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  20. Option for staff to get email when a new item is created

    Not at the beginning of the semester (which would overload staff), but later on when items are just trickling in.

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